True hot romance

This is the first part of a new screenplay I have started writing about a hookup on Just testing for interest. Open for suggestions and investors.

The Match

Fade In

David sits at his computer scanning the online dating site like a trained hunter. He sees this tall, seductive but funky looking bohemian woman about 50 and appearing very indifferent. Smug. Kinda like a hotter version of Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde” but with a way better rack. David wonders out loud “Is she hot or not”? His 62 year old trained eyes coupled with years of dating experience do not tell him the story. She may be a good one but probably isn’t” She’s probably not worth trying to meet he decides. Then, he goes back to look at her again and read her profile.  Divorced, self employed, no kids living at home. She seems indifferent, uncaring as to whether she gets any responses or not, as if she were forced onto the site by a friend or daughter. “Ok. But, …..??? David mumbles to himself”  It's worth an email to her he decides.

David writes

"Hi. Check my profile and pictures and see whatcha think. Maybe we could talk? Sincerely David"

Fade Out To Maggies Apt.

“This blows” she tells Deborah , her friend who convinced her to pay and go on, the online meat market.  “ I keep getting emails from babies and idiots “ This is not where I want to be”. “ She points at her computer and shows Debbie a mountain of emails that have come from men all over who fired off their best lines to her. "Listen to this guy" she taunts and tells Debbie that shes bored and they should go out for a drink.

Then, as an afterthought Maggie glances at her inbox one more time and sees a new email from a guy named David. She checks his profile information. “what does this dope have to say she asks out loud to Debbie? She reads about David, divorced, still working, no kids at home, lives nearby. She looks at his pictures. No big deal but a different look.

Certainly not like her cavalry of old boyfriends. She wonders, “can this grey haired somewhat weird looking but maybe interesting and slightly sexy guy make her wild libido explode like the last boyfriend who she left her nice Jewish very boring Dr. husband for. It took Paul Pompei, an ex-boxing champion to finally give her the animal, insatiable sexual fulfillment she had tried to bury with  parties, screenwriting and men. There was a long  history of relationships with all kinds of guys who could recite poetry and fuck at the same time.

But, all that was over and the pickings were slim.  A wild life had wiped out most of her following except for the cadre of loyal friends, men and women who wanted her all the time in some way but who only served to amuse Maggie.
“Ok, she said to Debbie” I’m ready to go out but hang on? I’m gonna write this David guy back. "I have nothing happening tomorrow night and I think he definitely will be ready to see me, she smirked.”

Maggie email to David

 “Maybe we could meet for a drink tomorrow night. Here is my number. Maggie

Fade To David

David looks at his emails and sees that the Bonnie and Clyde looking woman who is Maggie had written back.” "Ok.I'm in business. Something to get excited about. Shes hot."

David calls Maggie

“Hi. This is David, the guy from match. How are you? Would you like to meet tomorrow night for a drink’? "That’s what I had in mind Maggie says” How about the Tap Room"? “Fine", he replies. I look just like my picture David says? “Really?” I hope not too much like it". Maggies first sarcastic line is launched.. She asks is7.30 good?" I’ll be there David answers.

Fade to Bar Interior

David sits outside not seeing Maggie. Finally, he goes inside and sits at the bar next to this very Slavic looking, tall and sexy woman with a great face and red hair. She asks “are you David?’ “Yes” You’re Maggie?. "Uh, yeah I have been sitting here. I didn’t know he explains. "Obviously" , she retorts but with semi-sweet amusement.

Sizing each other up sitting at bar

David is swept away by the obvious beauty and brains of this new person. He tries to read Maggie but cannot. Then, she smiles at him and says she would like to sit down in a small, intimate, booth in the empty bar owned by her friend.

Maggie waves her hand and points to a booth without looking back.

She had looked closely at this tall guy with black glasses and an athletic body and was attracted or she would have been gone already.. He had this weird face that she found uniquely beautiful. Her mind danced and skipped at a furious pace. He was no wild crazy stud but he did it for her like no one she had ever met before. She could hardly contain herself as they sat together in the little booth. Being one the worlds most impulsive brilliant, passionate manics she wanted to start kissing him right away. Instead, she asked him if they could go for an Italian Beef sandwich. Sure, David said.

In the beef stand they kissed for the first time. Both of them went into a state of  euphoria  as their lips touched. In the car while driving Maggie home the kissing got frantic. She didn't care that they were driving on a dangerous expressway strip. She was unstoppable jumping all over David. He pulled over before he crashed. She didn't care. Their lips were falling off an hour later when  she got out of the car to go up to her apartment. She had to walk her dog

Fade out David driving home


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