The Stomach Flu Put Me Down

This is my third day of being housebound with the flu. I woke up Monday morning and was nauseous. I wanted to vomit so badly but could not. I felt like I was going to throw up all my intestines as I struggled to release the vomit . But, it would not come out. At the same time diarrhea was coming out the other end uncontrollably.. That happened all day long.

Finally, I   called the Dr. who prescribed some instant anti-nausea pills. They did not work instantly.  Meanwhile, I could not keep anything down. The Dr. cautioned about dehydration and I kept trying to drink. But, every sip brought another trip to the bathroom. Second day there was only a little nausea,  thank goodness, but continuing fever and chills with an endless desire to sleep. The diarrhea continued and still does. I'm into the third day of misery.  I tried to eat some bland food but I do not have an appetite. I did hold down soup.

Funny, how I also just took my first and only flu shot of my otherwise healthy  64 years of life. Must have caught the wrong strain of flu or the shot did not kick in quick enough. So, as day number three gets late I'm sipping Gatorade and feeling better but very slowly. This stuff is not supposed to happen to me.

Oops. Gotta go. 


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