Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is Flu Shot With Insurance Free?

News flash. I never took a flu shot in my whole 64 years. However, I decided to get a flu shot this year because of all the stories of how people are getting ravaged by it across the country.

I went to Walgreens in Chicago and presented my Aetna PPO health insurance card. Sorry, we don't accept that plan the pharmacist said. How much will it cost I asked. $31.99 she replied.

Well, I usually shop at CVS anyway and decided to go over there and see what the story was. Sure enough, the pharmacist checked my card and told me Aetna completely covered the entire cost at that store.                   

So, check it out if you are going to get a flu shot. You might save money.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Writing To Cure Depression

I'm trying to write a screenplay on spec. It is murder. I cannot get away from my computer. Having an addictive personality does not help but it's also an asset. As I read other screenplays something seems apparent. It's all about the story being interesting. The rest of the formatting seems not to matter. So, I'm writing about my life which at least prevents me from having writers block.

I feel so empty much of the time that writing about myself with the offhand chance that the screenplay could catch on is intriguing. Depression seems to dominate me in so many areas but when writing I find comfort. After all, going from a millionaire to delivering pizzas is depressing but it gets to be an interesting experience when putting it into a story.

So, when all is said and done I really only do have myself to turn to to get me out of this seemingly eternal funk.

I would advise anyone to write. I mean, who knows if you can or not and who really cares? If it relieves stress and anxiety it is worth it. Try.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ann Coulter Exposed

Ann Coulter plays us all. She could easily take a liberal position if that was where the money was and where the controversy existed. Who knows what kind of person she really is? She is in the public domain. She is fair game.

 Maybe one of her ex-boyfriends, one of her family members, or a friend will talk about this sick bitch and tell us things we would like to know. Maybe there are some things on the public record.. In the same maniacal way she talks about everything she wants to get attention for she should be revealed.  her revolting antisemitism, her bigotry, her mean spirited views and ramblings make  people sick. Anyone got the who, what, why, where, and when mixed in with some other juicy stuff on Ann Coulter? Tell us.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good New Year Start

UA-37326040-1 Happy, Healthy, New Year to all. Mine was better then I expected because I went to a bar and met some people who I got friendly with. I even got the phone number of a woman who actually hit on me of all things. Then,as I drove home about 2am it was so cold out that people were hitching rides all over downtown. A guy with a group of people from out of town held out a $100.00 bill and asked me to take his friends to a hotel about 6 blocks away. They were so grateful to get out of the cold that I actually think they felt better then I did. I came home inspired and decided to figure out how to use Google Ad Sense which I am really bad at. Way too technical. But, if I get any comments I will know someone hears me.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Compulsive gambler

Puck Magazine: Gambling with Death 12x18 Giclee On Canvas (Google Affiliate Ad)

I am sitting here alone because I am a compulsive gambler with no life. I cannot gamble anymore so I am lonely. My true love gambling wants me back and I want her but we cannot have each other. So, here I sit. I have surrendered to my addiction and will not gamble today. I made my last bet January 9, 2009. Now, between delivering pizzas and a few other side jobs I can pay my bills. But I am so unhappy. I have owned big businesses in the past. I have had many romances with beautiful women. Now, I sit alone. I will go to my Gambler Anonymous meeting tonight. I have family who loves me but that does not do it for me. It's all about the action and I do not have it anymore. So, it sit up here in my fancy high rise apartment which is only a high class jail cell to me.