The Walgreens Pharmacy at Lyons and Coconut Creek Road in 

Coconut Creek, Fl 33066 is what I am writing about.

I do a lot of shopping there for prescriptions and products. 

I do because it is located close to a gated community where I live. Its a matter of location, location, location. 

The store is overpriced, understaffed, has long waiting times on the phone or in person, and has weak organization. The best thing about that Walgreens is a pharmacist named Scott who is really great at his job.

There is a Publix Supermarket nearby which is less expensive and more organized but there is no Scott there. 

Anyway, I was looking in the big freezer section yesterday and saw that on the door fronts of all the sections there was all these stupid sticker symbols of milk, ice cream, candy, frozen food, and a lot of other products which were pasted and stuck on. 

Looks terrible.

The dummies who figure those things out do not realize that many older people do not have the mind or the patience to look at bunches of little stickers on sliding doors to find a product. 

Its too hard for older eyes.

I tried to mention my frustration to a few store employees who would hardly take time to stop and listen to me. 

When one did she said to get used to the ugly stickers on the freezers because Walgreens was rolling out a new program using the unsightly, midget sized, hard to read stickers in all its stores.

I told her that she should tell her manager who was not there that a good customer who spends a lot money there was unhappy. She told me to call corporate to complain. 

I told her I would not call corporate and that she should be a smart employee and say something to her boss about my comment.. I gave her my name and contact information.

I'm just in a bad mood today Walgreens if you ever see this letter but those sliding freezer doors with all the stickies stink.

You sales will fall off.

Have a nice day.


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