Sunday, April 4, 2021


Don't do business with discriminators. Minorities should STOP buying from businesses or people who support bias either directly or indirectly. 

MLB (major league baseball) pulling the All-Star game from Georgia is a great example.

Your money MUST be earned. Kick them in the cash.

Friday, April 2, 2021


George Floyd dying on the street under killer cop Derek Chauvin's knee resting casually and fatally on his neck is so tragic it becomes more heartbreaking each time the video of the over nine minute execution is played. 

How, we ask, could this mad dog cop not have been stopped from killing Floyd in broad daylight with many bystanders and other cops surrounding the dying man and his police assessing? 

Why couldn't one of the four cops right next to Derek Chauvin have been brave enough to push or hit Chauvin and knock him off Floyd?

Because, each person there had a very good excuse for not acting like most people do when facing unexpected danger. 

They were scared. They couldn't or wouldn't even try to stop the murder. They were following their instincts for self preservation and safety. They stayed out. 

 It is human nature to respond to most flight or fight situations by backing away and staying safe or finding safety.

One only has to have experienced the terrifying feeling of being forced to go against their instincts and walk through the wall of fear rather than back away from it. 

You never forget that feeling.

It is scary as hell.

Most of us have encountered fight or flight situations where every bone in our body and mind says no, get away, do not get involved but somehow, sometimes, we are willing to walk through the wall of fear and walk into danger head on. 

One can make valid excuses any time there is a failure to act when necessary, when action is critical despite the presence of overwhelming fear. 

That is what heroes are made of. Those that act anyway and damn the consequences ARE SPECIAL.  

Than, there ARE the rest of us mortals.

 That is also why many brave people die on the streets and in wars.  

They face horrifical fear. 

ANY times their fate is death and other times it is hero STATUS 

A LARGE NUMBER of bystanders to assaults get PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). They beat themselves up endlessly for what they did not do. 

They should not BE TORMENTED. Flight or fight response is not predictable nor understood. 

Unfortunately, finding ones self stuck in a bad situation with violent, treacherous people or circumstances leaves one with no GOOD out. You either face the fear and fight if you are trapped or you don't. 

That goes for surviving in the streets, the battlefield, protecting people being attacked, standing up to bullies, and any other gut wrenching dangerous position that triggers the flight or fight mechanism. 

That is why JUST a few of us survive after facing grave danger and get medals and earn heroic reputations regardless of where the bravery takes place.   

THE REST OF us try not get involved in danger and usually get away from dangerous situations while being grateful to not get unlucky like George Floyd's LOOKER ONS did by running into a LIFE AND DEATH CIRCUMSTANCE.  

 Many of us have gone both ways in facing fright. I have faced fear and danger boldly a few times in my seventy two years and I have also been a quivering coward most OTHER time.

It is hard to explain what determines how people react to danger. Todays hero can be tomorrows zero.

Stay safe people people and hope you do not encounter a situation that calls for you to face dreadful fear. Try not to beat yourself up for whatever you do when faced with UNAVOIDABLE danger. 

Live with the internal consequences. Accept yourself.

Whatever you do just do the best you can. 

Than, it is okay.

It is the human condition.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


Laura Ingraham, an entertainer posing as a newscaster on Fox News has millions of listeners and viewers and is a rabid supporter of Donald Trump.

If you support Trump and his followers and their policies you will get only praise and agreement on her talk shows. If you oppose Trump you will get verbally abused and bounced around like a rag doll by her.

Right and wrong means nothing to sweet Laura.

Trump means everything because Fox News lives off Trump.

With further thought it is apparent that Laura is just a participant in the Trump lie scam based upon his disproven and impossible contention that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by some mystical force that cannot be identified. 

All legitimate investigations agreed there was no significant voter fraud of any kind in the election. That stolen election lie was shot down by over sixty five judges and even by the Supreme Court. 

To believe otherwise is to be doing so to exploit Trumps popularity for the money he brings in via contributions and advertiser dollars. 

Big journalistic salaries are paid by Trumps idiocy so it pays to be oblivious to impartial incontrovertible evidence that Trump is still Don the con. He is the train wreck that does not stop.

To capitalize on Trumps supporters by kissing up to his base and promoting his lies is pure prostitution. Every Trump supporter who has done any research and thinking knows that.

Laura, we know that you are a tragic, misguided, dysfunctional, angry person but you are very educated and very smart. You have the pedigrees to prove it.

Look at Ann Coulter, your rival. She had the balls to blow off Trump and she is as big as you are. Be like Ann. 

Coulter, as much as I disagree with her has a heart and soul that you need. She is a human being and not a creature from beyond. She is reasonable. You are not.

You are just another Trump grave jumper still trying to pick away at the bones of our worst president in history for the capitalistic opportunities Trump has left.

How about changing and telling the truth to your followers Laura Ingraham?

You would be fired quickly but at least you would regain your dignity after the long walk of shame you have taken. 

Get a set Laura.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


So, when does the New York State Attorney General, the Georgia State AG, the Washington DC. AG finally dump subpoenas and more complaints on Trump so that he has to start spending his days testifying in depositions rather than in playing golf?

All the irrelevant dribble we have heard on @CNN, @Rachel Maddow, @MSNBC, etc. about the terrible consequences of his actions Trump could face from tax evasion to bank and mail fraud, to abuse of power have amounted to zero.

He has faced no trouble as a private citizen. 

Get after that scum bag. 

The commentators have yapped and yapped interminably about the huge personal legal jeopardy Donald Trump could face and there has not been a single deposition he had to take even though he is now a private citizen. He is still laughing at the law.

Lawrence Tribe, the legal scholar, and all the other blowhard attorneys explaining why Trump could be in so much legal trouble has all turned out so far to be bullshit.  

Trump is still being treated as if he is above the law. Come on all you legal geniuses, hall this Trump fool in front of a judge, a grand jury, or an opposing a lawyer, and make him start being accountable for his wrongful, illegal actions. 

Or, is he too smart for you?

Saturday, March 6, 2021


It's computer dummy heaven today. I just figured out how to fix my laptop all by myself. It only required batteries but normally I would not have been able to even find where the batteries go. My new OCD mindfulness gave me a bonus. I am a 72 year old geezer but giddy as if I had just stolen my first high school kiss.

A fortunate life has been my blessing. But, as my mother used to say, "your worst enemy cannot do to you what you can do to yourself."

What a merciless self-assaulter I have been. We are talking mentally, The pain from a broken brain is ferocious.

I remember trying to lay my dead tired eight-year-old body in bed and go to sleep. But I couldn't. The pillow would not line up to my satisfaction with a thin line on the headboard. So, I would keep popping up out of bed like a jumping jack for hours on end trying to set the pillow exactly the way I wanted it. I would finally just flop into the bed, drenched in sweat, and then pass out because my little body was so exhausted.

The obsessions became worse as I got older. Physical confrontation became the centerpiece of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The word FEAR is central to my defective brain. I believe it is to everyone with OCD.

Facing danger, real or imagined, made physical confrontation my curse. I would be mentally obsessed to go back after someone who I decided had bullied me with words or deeds. It could have been a schoolmate from high school who I remember slapped me around thirty years before, or a person who insulted a lady at the golf course this morning who I thought and felt I should have confronted.

I could mentally grab onto any event and conclude that I had to be an avenging angel. All that had to happen was a thought, a mere thought, popping into my head. Bingo. The thought would not go away. Then off I would go to OCD hell.

My stomach would start rolling constantly. Only finding the misguided courage to act by confronting the bully would abate the fear. My delusional missions lasted from days to decades and sometimes in multiple forms. Than the fear would come back about the same thing or something else and often with even more inappropriate acts. I do not know how I led a somewhat normal life.

Symbolically, my efforts at trying to line up that pillow defined my life. Endlessly confronting and chasing people who I felt had picked on or bullied me. I could be tormented for any reason such as someone playing their music too loudly, or to allowing their dogs to bark, or feel that someone insulted me, or made fun of me, or criticizing me, or making what I thought to be an inappropriate remark to my girlfriends, or thoughlessly slammed doors, and countless other events that would provoke the same insanity in me that trying to adjust that pillow triggered.

All it took was for me to think that I was the victim. Then came the conclusion I had to even the score, to take vengeance.

Then the fear took hold. The fear of living for a confrontation I did not want but thought I had to have. Being consumed. Like a soldier anticipating battle. But an irrational battle for all the wrong reasons.

I fearfully and insanely provoked countless confrontations because of the misguided belief that I would get permanent relief after I resolved some issue. I would eventually end up worse off then I was before I started trying to solve the thing that triggered me.

I ended up in court, in front of judges, in jail, and in a mental hospital because of the degrees to which I would go to seek relief.

I went to so many shrinks, took so many pills, read so many books, and even today, I still can suffer as I write about these episodes of OCD sixty-five years later. It has no end. It continues to plague me.

I blessedly and gratefully have found pathways to relief through exercising, writing and journaling, meditating, deep breathing exercises, and just knowing that the OCD urge is just a thinking disorder and can and must be accepted and coped with. That sounds easy but it's not. It takes constant and consistent mind-bending work to come to terms with it. There is hope.

I am not violent or psychotic. I am a lifelong scared little boy who was told to go outside to face the bullies in the old neighborhood. I cried instead. My family's definition of courage was about fists and not words. It took a lifetime for me to recognize my family was fucked up, but with good intentions. They did not know macho was not a one size fits all hat.

After many years of good fortune, except for the few times getting punched and hurt by a neighbor who was slapping around his girlfriend and beat me up for interfering, I never paid a big physical price.

Mentally, it is another story.

I have been arrested several times for minor non-violent crimes. I have been in the mental ward. Everything was connected to OCD.

Endless hours, days, months, years of OCD torture have left me damaged mentally but okay enough to say I am much better after a lot of hard work.

I am now spending time learning how to let stuff go and accept my condition. I never really cared about standing up for myself except for a few times in my life where it was legitimate. It's selfishly only been about relieving the fear that I felt with no alternatives. That is erroneous and wrong.

Writing is an alternative for me. Playing ball, reading, volunteering, running, and almost any mental and physical activity are tools that work well in battling OCD.

Going to OCD group meetings and becoming friendly with and supportive of others who are afflicted, is terrifically helpful and a big step in recovering.

The irrational but overwhelming fear of the "what ifs" of not doing what you falsely believe you must do literally eats you up. However, once you are able to realize that the anxiety of OCD urges can be endured with training, life gets immeasurably better.

Saying no to debilitating OCD urges is the only way to get healthier. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is permanent, but can be effectively dealt with as with addictions like gambling or drinking and many others. It takes time and treatment.

12 step programs are effective.

You can do it.

Why becomes an obvious question to anyone reading this who does not have OCD.


Normal brains do not involuntarily attach to abnormal thinking. OCD brains do. They are different chemically and they do not process thoughts correctly.

OCD is always about fear, fear, fear, whether you are compulsively checking and rechecking the stove, door, the dogs water, washing your hands, obsessing about harming a child, facing a bully or some other thought.

But, there are ways to safely treat OCD.

My hope is that this helps some fellow sufferers get some value from my self-knowledge, or even better, some relief.

I have just started to write again about OCD.

My Purpose is to help others with what this is about for me. There has to be more to life than my girlfriend, my dog, pickle ball, golf, eating and tormenting myself with new and age old major OCD issues.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about fear no matter where you start.

Fear can be conquered properly.

Go online and look at resources and blogs on OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder.) There is so much there for every sufferer.

Read about it. Find relief. It is there.

Here are some resources to use. I just want to help. I do not get paid in any way by anyone I mention. I Do not know them. I want to help.

I just Google, do my research, just as you should do.

Here are a few resources around the country that came up:

FHEHealth Restore 888-986-1382

Park Avenue Psychotherapy Associates 973-815-0777

Go To YouTube and punch up OCD

Call 720-605-1316

Call 305-856-9442

Call 754-227-6634

Online Therapy-312-955-1212

Good Luck

David S.

I am an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer associated with no one.