Laura Ingraham, an entertainer posing as a newscaster on Fox News has millions of listeners and viewers and is a rabid supporter of Donald Trump.

If you support Trump and his followers and their policies you will get only praise and agreement on her talk shows. If you oppose Trump you will get verbally abused and bounced around like a rag doll by her.

Right and wrong means nothing to sweet Laura.

Trump means everything because Fox News lives off Trump.

With further thought it is apparent that Laura is just a participant in the Trump lie scam based upon his disproven and impossible contention that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by some mystical force that cannot be identified. 

All legitimate investigations agreed there was no significant voter fraud of any kind in the election. That stolen election lie was shot down by over sixty five judges and even by the Supreme Court. 

To believe otherwise is to be doing so to exploit Trumps popularity for the money he brings in via contributions and advertiser dollars. 

Big journalistic salaries are paid by Trumps idiocy so it pays to be oblivious to impartial incontrovertible evidence that Trump is still Don the con. He is the train wreck that does not stop.

To capitalize on Trumps supporters by kissing up to his base and promoting his lies is pure prostitution. Every Trump supporter who has done any research and thinking knows that.

Laura, we know that you are a tragic, misguided, dysfunctional, angry person but you are very educated and very smart. You have the pedigrees to prove it.

Look at Ann Coulter, your rival. She had the balls to blow off Trump and she is as big as you are. Be like Ann. 

Coulter, as much as I disagree with her has a heart and soul that you need. She is a human being and not a creature from beyond. She is reasonable. You are not.

You are just another Trump grave jumper still trying to pick away at the bones of our worst president in history for the capitalistic opportunities Trump has left.

How about changing and telling the truth to your followers Laura Ingraham?

You would be fired quickly but at least you would regain your dignity after the long walk of shame you have taken. 

Get a set Laura.


  1. Thank you for your opinion. You are right about Ingraham. obsequious and opportunistic. However, so is Ann Coulter. I take that back, she is never, ever obsequious but always opportunistic. Keep up your factual strong blog!


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