George Floyd dying on the street under killer cop Derek Chauvin's knee resting casually and fatally on his neck is so tragic it becomes more heartbreaking each time the video of the over nine minute execution is played. 

How, we ask, could this mad dog cop not have been stopped from killing Floyd in broad daylight with many bystanders and other cops surrounding the dying man and his police assessing? 

Why couldn't one of the four cops right next to Derek Chauvin have been brave enough to push or hit Chauvin and knock him off Floyd?

Because, each person there had a very good excuse for not acting like most people do when facing unexpected danger. 

They were scared. They couldn't or wouldn't even try to stop the murder. They were following their instincts for self preservation and safety. They stayed out. 

 It is human nature to respond to most flight or fight situations by backing away and staying safe or finding safety.

One only has to have experienced the terrifying feeling of being forced to go against their instincts and walk through the wall of fear rather than back away from it. 

You never forget that feeling.

It is scary as hell.

Most of us have encountered fight or flight situations where every bone in our body and mind says no, get away, do not get involved but somehow, sometimes, we are willing to walk through the wall of fear and walk into danger head on. 

One can make valid excuses any time there is a failure to act when necessary, when action is critical despite the presence of overwhelming fear. 

That is what heroes are made of. Those that act anyway and damn the consequences ARE SPECIAL.  

Than, there ARE the rest of us mortals.

 That is also why many brave people die on the streets and in wars.  

They face horrifical fear. 

ANY times their fate is death and other times it is hero STATUS 

A LARGE NUMBER of bystanders to assaults get PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). They beat themselves up endlessly for what they did not do. 

They should not BE TORMENTED. Flight or fight response is not predictable nor understood. 

Unfortunately, finding ones self stuck in a bad situation with violent, treacherous people or circumstances leaves one with no GOOD out. You either face the fear and fight if you are trapped or you don't. 

That goes for surviving in the streets, the battlefield, protecting people being attacked, standing up to bullies, and any other gut wrenching dangerous position that triggers the flight or fight mechanism. 

That is why JUST a few of us survive after facing grave danger and get medals and earn heroic reputations regardless of where the bravery takes place.   

THE REST OF us try not get involved in danger and usually get away from dangerous situations while being grateful to not get unlucky like George Floyd's LOOKER ONS did by running into a LIFE AND DEATH CIRCUMSTANCE.  

 Many of us have gone both ways in facing fright. I have faced fear and danger boldly a few times in my seventy two years and I have also been a quivering coward most OTHER time.

It is hard to explain what determines how people react to danger. Todays hero can be tomorrows zero.

Stay safe people people and hope you do not encounter a situation that calls for you to face dreadful fear. Try not to beat yourself up for whatever you do when faced with UNAVOIDABLE danger. 

Live with the internal consequences. Accept yourself.

Whatever you do just do the best you can. 

Than, it is okay.

It is the human condition.


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