Friday, May 1, 2020


I surrender. I will never figure out how to paste the Google Adsense code into my blog. I do not know how much money I have lost in the clicks I did not receive. I feel like Google ought to pay me for all the hundreds of hours I have spent over the years trying to figure out correct placement of the code. After all, my work has gone to readers all over the globe. I am valuable.

I can blame it on being an old, stupid, technically retarded 71 year old guy who just has no technological ability. I don't give a shit. I have had this very good but hidden Blogger blog for many years. I have posted over 300 articles on everything you can imagine.  I have written lots  about politics lately because I hate that miserable human scum bag by the name of Donald J. Trump.

 But, before the world ended a few months ago I wrote mostly non-fiction articles on my personal experiences with family, business, ocd, sex, drugs, and a lot of other subjects. My life has been fascinating and the stuff of steamy novels and movies. Really. I am an unknown legend. Read me. 

The point remains that I cannot figure out how to paste ad code into my blog. I still love to write despite my frustration at my small audience and the peanuts I have made from Adsense. My total earnings for life are one check for about $100.00 in return for all my years of pumping out articles. 

Fuck it. That's ok if that is all I deserve for the quality of my writing. However, it just pisses me off to no end thinking that I should have developed a big audience and been a respectable blogger instead of the unimportant piece of wanna be blogger wall flower I am. All because it's seeminly impossible for me to learn ad code instructions. 

It is not fair only but for the lack of knowing how to press a few computer buttons that a normal person could figure out in about 5 minutes I have been prevented from realizing much more success from  

I want Google Adsense to analyze my entire blog and pay me some amount. I should have made more money. They are geniuses. They can figure it out. I have tried all their support tools over and over to no avail. Google has spent money for much less worthwhile purposes than my value to their readers.

 I do not care about Adsense community support, utube, help, or any other crap Google offers regarding pasting code. It does not help me. I am a friggin idiot but I have been a good blogger and loyal to Google.

 I want to be compensated. You want me than pay me.

Thank you.
David Stein  

Monday, April 27, 2020


Top Fifteen Things I Hate About Donald J. Trump 

Trumps Continual And Narcissistic Personality

  1. Lying
  2. Deceiving
  3. Exaggerating
  4. Impersonating An Expert
  5. Cutting Off Reporters Questions
  6. Being A Thin Skinned Bitch
  7. Using Words Like Terrific, Wonderful, Great
  8. Talking Way Too Much
  9. Not Answering Questions Honestly
  10. Being An Ignorant, Moronic, Fake President
  11. Being A Total Scum Bag Unfit For Office
  12. Will Not Take Advice From Experts
  13. Cannot Take Criticism
  14. His Hair
  15. His Face

Saturday, April 25, 2020


I show no earnings on Google Adsense for last week despite many clicks. I think the Adsense crew must all be home trying to stay safe. But, Google ought to let us bloggers know we would not be seeing our daily reports on the clicks we received. For bloggers like me that make peanuts the clicks are what I survive on. 

 The satisfaction of knowing some people read my stuff is enough. For bloggers who make real money from Adsense they must be unhappy not seeing daily hit numbers. Google has a help and support page that is supposed to answer questions. I ignorantly asked why no daily earnings were being posted. 

I might as well have asked for the combination to open the Fort Knox vault. The more I asked the community help section the more complicated the answers became if anyone answered at all. So, I still think Google Adsense sucks because they are not efficient in dealing with simple questions. Maybe #mashable can get the scoop when he asks but I'm just another unimportant schmuck.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


"Hydroxychloroquine, it's wonderful, beautiful, it is a miracle. Try it. "What do you have to lose?"  -Trump


Tests showed that this drug Trump pitched and recommended to cure the Coronavirus made people sick and killed some. 

Monday, April 20, 2020


Every day I watch ignorant, blowhard, orange headed fake president Donald J.Trump hold a campaign rally disguised as a press conference. 

Americans are sick and dying from the horrible coronavirus that this moron Trump could have headed off but did not. He disregarded briefings that warned him of a pending pandemic. 

Instead of doing his duty and protecting us and keeping the nation safe this nauseating pig faced buffoon played golf. He told us not to worry and assured us we would be fine. He said the virus would blow away just like the puffs of bullshit that blow out of his  mouth.

 But, as Trumps experts predicted from all their the scientific research, the global virus exploded in the United States. So, our idiotic, mentally challenged, unfit, illiterate so-called commander-in-chief started trying to convince the country he did nothing wrong and China should be blamed. 

The virus invaded our country with Trumps help. It has already killed over sixty thousand people and has made hundreds of thousands very sick. 

When Governors from both parties started to scream and plead to Trump for federal assistance he kept making excuses. He did have an easy answer. By using the power of the federal government he could get the states the health care supplies necessary. He inexplicably refused to use that power until the last few days.

This dimwit is overwhelmed and incapable of doing his job. He is a fool and he cannot properly lead this country. So, he blabs away denying his weaknesses and mistakes and wastes time watching TV and attacking the media instead of working.   

He is a thin skinned, unfit, incompetent piece of junk sub-human being.  He refuses to blame himself for anything bad that happens on his watch.

Now, there is depression sized unemployment claims, closed businesses, and our food supply chain is breaking down.
Trump has fucked us all.

This evil dunce goes on TV and makes the mess even worse by turning the virus into a political football. He encourages idiots to protest and disobey his administrations own advice and act unsafely. He even defends people who oppose all of his experts imperatives to fight the virus. 

This devil and monster has one responsibility and duty that transcends all the others and that is to keep us safe. 
He has failed at the most critical time.
He is "scum" as he calls good people who disagree with him.

This orange haired devil should be thrown in a dungeon.