Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Good luck. As I write I keep thinking the best thing for me to do with my unrecognized, unpublished talent is to keep publishing on social network platforms like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and a bunch of other ones. 

Then, I can at least get the satisfaction of having my words in front of millions of people one of whom may just be the right one who buys me. 

I have answered my own questiona least for now, Saturday night, December 16 at 5,44 pm. I will write while I wait to eat.

Now comes the hard part which is editing and sending this piece of art to all the places necessary to reach the world. That is a really hard task for an old dog like me who still types with one finger.

But, now I feel that this rainy Florida day has not been a waste because maybe one person will get something out of this piece.


Whats for dinner?

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