I fear that the Ukrainians courageous battle against the Russian invaders will diminish as that war disappears from the front pages of newspapers and news shows. It starts to seem that there is no problem in Ukraine just because the minute by minute reporting is not on events over there continually as it was before
That is not true.
However, our mentality makes that war out of sight and out of mind.
I fear a backlash against the Jewish nation in their retaliation for the murderous attacks committed by Hamas with initial sentiment supporting Israel and now some diminishing support.
Everyone hates killing unnecessarily.
I fear the US getting politically punished for continuing to support Israel in their effort to wipe out Hamas whose goal is to murder every Jewish person.
Unfortunately, innocent people, especially children, are victims.
It is a horror.
The President is stuck in the middle because of loyalty to Israel, and also political logic, both for and in favor of his actions. He is trying to do the right thing I feel but what is the right thing to do?
I fear that Biden is getting too overwhelmed by the pressure from the Israeli war, the Uranian war, congressional in fighting and his terribly weak polling numbers to function effectively.
He must overcome huge, complicated, obstacles despite a good record in critical arenas of chief executive moves, humanitarianism, economics, and hard core politics which puts severe pressure on him even if he were twenty years younger..
But, he is eighty one and seems too fragile and slow to juggle all the balls that he must to keep in the air to keep the country and world running
He must find the strength.. There are no options.
I fear that Trump will cause an unacceptable amount of violent political behavior in his quest in winning the 2024 presidential election and that he will make a bigger mess of the world than is already happening.
I fear for Biden getting sick and the nation being left with an inept Kamala Harris as President or worse.
I have absolute faith in the constitution of the United States of America. I have total faith in the citizens of this democracy whoever they are and wherever they live that the majority of us want America to be a safe, lawful, patriotic two party nation.
I know that real patriots will not allow us to be sucked in and taken down by the fanatic election deniers drain who only want chaos.
We will come together again.


  1. frightening reality articulatrlycand emotionally expressed. These are real frightening fears for the kids of our fragile democracy. we all must work together to protect our democracy and prevent Trump and his allies from power


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