

  There ought to be a law against people who go to a Starbucks bathroom, flush the toilet, turn on the hand blower, and then do not immediately open the door and leave. It’s so rude to Starbucks bathroom users who stand outside the toilet door listening to the hand dryer thinking they will be able to relieve themselves when the blower goes silent. Just the other day I stopped at a new Starbucks which is in the center of Chicago. I had a fierce urge to urinate. My old seventy one year old bladder was bursting. I looked at the single bathroom door and there was no one waiting to go in. Relief.  I felt happy for a second. Then, I turned the handle of the door and it was locked. “Crap,” I mumbled quietly. I started swaying nervously waiting to hear the toilet flush. It did. Then the hand blower started blasting away. The sure sign that the person inside was ready to exit.   Thank goodness, I thought. Relief was a few seconds away. I then heard the blower turn off and I already had my hand


  He personally dialed the stored numbers of the heads of the major US news outlets.  It was 1pm Tuesday.     He said the same words to each surprised person who he spoke with. With no exchanging of any greetings or offering of any explanation he said It's the President.”  The voice was unmistakable to each of the thirty top news people contacted. He instructed each person to attend and send their Trump coverage people to an emergency press conference at  Mar-A Lago . It would start at 7 PM the next day.  He then said strongly “no questions now” and hung up.  He then called his main campaign associates and major donors and instructed them to come to the 7 pm press conference.  He again said  “no questions now” and hung up. He told his press secretary to get ready for a media audience that would be attending a 7 pm press conference the next day he had already scheduled and to make all preparations. He then called his three main, loyal assistants and told them to come over im


  It is a nauseating and petrifying thought that Donald J. Trump can win the 2024 presidential election. It seems inconceivable to me and to hopefully enough registered voters to defeat Trump and enable Kamala Harris to win the presidency.  Why would this nation want to elect a man who already wrecked it previously and admittedly wants to be a dictator? Trump loves Putin, our arch enemy. Putin plays him like a fiddle Trump is a convicted criminal and a hunk of garbage human for every person who is not a multimillionaire or billionaire.  He is completely selfish and only wants to greedily serve his own purposes if he wins. He may only be running to stay out of jail. He could then pardon himself for most of the crimes he may go to prison for.  He does not represent you and I, the middle class, which accounts for the majority of people and businesses in this nation.  Give Kamala Harris a chance. No matter what she does it will be for the benefit  of us regular people and not for herself,


 I t is a nauseating and petrifying thought that Donald J. Trump can win the 2024 presidential election. It seems inconceivable to me and to hopefully enough registered voters to defeat Trump and enable Kamala Harris to win the presidency.  Why would this nation want to elect a man who already wrecked it previously and admittedly wants to be a dictator? Trump loves Putin, our arch enemy. Putin plays him like a fiddle Trump is a convicted criminal and a hunk of garbage human for every person who is not a multimillionaire or billionaire.  He is completely selfish and only wants to greedily serve his own purposes if he wins. He may only be running to stay out of jail. He could then pardon himself for most of the crimes he may go to prison for.  He does not represent you and I, the middle class, which accounts for the majority of people and businesses in this nation.  Give Kamala Harris a chance. No matter what she does it will be for the benefit  of us regular people and not for herself,


  First time I remember getting bullied I was standing in line at the entrance to my grammar school. I was 9 years old. A kid who was my size and in my grade asked me if I'd ever been kicked in the balls. I said " what are balls?" He launched his foot into my  scrotum and I fell down in pain. He, and a few other kids stood over me with a few asking if I was ok. I recovered and whined "yes, I'm ok" to everyone.  The bully stood there just grinning proudly. I asked him why he kicked me and he said that he felt like it and did I want to do anything about it? "No." I whimpered.  I was scared to death he would kick me again."Well" he said "you're a pussy". I muttered back" just leave me alone".  When I came home and told my much older brother Lloyd what had happened" he screamed "you better stand up to that kid  as soon as you see him or you'll be setting yourself up for getting bullied your whole life&quo

Hate Trump-Love Kamala

 It’s a miracle. I earned six cents in my blogger account. I posted a harsh line about Blogger in X and all of a sudden I made a few pennies here for the first time in several years. It was the same crap I write about all the time. Click again. More for you to smile to. again just for shits and giggles Here is another post. You can see all my good anti-Trump comments on David’s Place 1 on X. Read about what a piece of shit I think Donald Trump is. Also, I’m overjoyed that Kamala Harris made her entrance. What a relief.salvation.            Davids Place 1 on X.
 Google is useless to me.