He personally dialed the stored numbers of the heads of the major US news outlets. 

It was 1pm Tuesday.    

He said the same words to each surprised person who he spoke with. With no exchanging of any greetings or offering of any explanation he said

It's the President.” 

The voice was unmistakable to each of the thirty top news people contacted.

He instructed each person to attend and send their Trump coverage people to an emergency press conference at 

Mar-A Lago .

It would start at 7 PM the next day. 

He then said strongly “no questions now” and hung up. 

He then called his main campaign associates and major donors and instructed them to come to the 7 pm press conference. 

He again said  “no questions now” and hung up.

He told his press secretary to get ready for a media audience that would be attending a 7 pm press conference the next day he had already scheduled and to make all preparations.

He then called his three main, loyal assistants and told them to come over immediately. He told them he had called to set up a press conference the next day and that he would announce he would be withdrawing from the 2024 presidential campaign.

“What's going on Mr. President?”. 

“I have decided to tell the country the story. The real story, he told the three, as they sat dumbfounded. 

“No more bullshit, lies, fantasies, con jobs or deception about anything.” Trump said. 

"I'm coming clean about everything."

 "I've been feeding these stupid maga morons and Trump addicts poisoned red meat that they actually love. Well, I got poisoned on my own garbage."  

"But, Jack Smith doesn't want anything except my ass. He’s got me by the balls and either fast or slow I'm going down. He has forever to convict me without ever running out of manpower, time, money, or whatever else he needs to put me away."


After I lose the election I will be in court perpetually and I’m  gonna get destroyed. The inside polls are horrible. That Harris bitch is gonna beat me easy.

I’m done. Sorry. but  I’m scared to death of prison. Do you know what a target I’d be?"

That's all. See you tomorrow."


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