As much of a group of suckers American voters have proven themselves to be they used to have common sense.  Maybe, not at first but in the end.. They take a lot of time realizing they are getting screwed but eventually they figure out what happened because of  their bad decisions.  But, only after the cat is out of the bag.. We seem to learn but only in retrospect. Not anymore. We get dumb and stay dumb.

So, over the years we have suffered from the big scams and have been victimized by the housing market crash, the sub prime loans banking and stock market crash,, the bogus investment banking firms, the folly of  approving the Iraq war, the horrible politicians we have elected like Bush and Cheney and on and on.

Think of all the violent criminals who are arrested and released over and over until finally they do something horrific and maybe get caught. They usually have long rap sheets. They could be stopped earlier. But we don't care enough to act. Then, disaster.

The fraudsters like Donald Trump, Bernie Madoff, and all the other con men and women  who get inside our pockets and heads stay there until they take all of our money are examples of who destroys us.. They  are not detected until it's too late.. Then, they usually are given free passage by us to do it again. Although Americans have been victimized over and over throughout history they just keep on going for new scams and scammers. Like fish with their mouths open we bite again and again..

We would rather watch and read sensationalized stories that titillate us then investigate who and what we are doing when making choices and become fixated on twisted personalities, sex, drugs, and violence, . That is why we love following Donald Trump. He fascinates us.

He represents action and excitement just like O.J. Simpson once did.

Remember what fools the jury was composed of to find him innocent. Electing Trump would be just as stupid as the Simpson jury was..

We did not see or remember the potential disaster of the Vietnamese war, the onslaught of  Bin Laden, Isis, and on and on. We have destroyed ourselves in large part by not demanding facts and not making thoughtful choices. We could have had the courage to say no to the government and prevented so much damage from happening.

 But, we only figure out our disasters  after they have happened.  Many with our blessings. MEA culpas unlimited..

We Americans are not the brightest bulbs on the tree in protecting ourselves from harm. Who would have voted for probation  if we really thought about it? We got hustled way back then and we  never stop keep getting hustled..

But standing behind a proven criminal a slimeball who used the presidency like a crime syndicate rather than the highest office in government and in the world is a bridge too far. This guy Trump has no interest in a the U.S being a great or even a good country. He is only interest in having perpetual political fighting and seeking retaliation  against anyone who opposes him.

Donald Trump is the ultimate bully who has only loyalty to himself. His demands to VP Pence to refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election are enough proof of  Trumps criminality along with the rest of the countless charges Jack Smith is ready to charge him with.

Yet Trumps supporters remain deaf to all common sense and reason as to why they should abandon Trump forever. He has a cult following of millions many who who do not even know why they support him other than that he has his followers brainwashed. They keep sending this guy contributions that could be used for food, gasoline, medical expenses and on and on. Trump spends the contributions on lawyers to keep himself out of jail.

This political situation literally could be the end of this country if Trump gets re-elected.

Throw Trump in the trash can. He is garbage


  1. Right on! You pointed out all the most unconscionable and ignorant decisions made by brainwashed voters and unethical uncaring elected officials. trump was and is and will be garbage!


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