Save this and save that. Bullshit. Really? Yeah. Because if you didn't save it as a save-as after you made changes your fucked and you have to start writing again. Minutes turn to hours for me and its a good thing I have no life or I would never get out of my kitchen chair.
I am talking to you old wanna be authors who do not know shit about computers but figure you better learn how to use one. Folks, will spend most of the valuable time you should be writing instead trying to figure out how to use the computer you unfortunately were unlucky enough to get.
If anything can erase an old school writers desire to be creative it is a computer. It sucks the energy and creativity out of you like air gets sucked out of a balloon.
Ernest Hemingway and many famous writers never used a computer but instead just used their scribbly hand. They did fine. If the rich nit wits at all the computer companies knew the torment they were putting certain mentally ill people with OCD, anxiety, and all kinds of other maladies through they would think of another racket besides computers to hustle us with.
If Google Blogger and others really knew how miserable it is trying to write well they would understand the hatred and disdain some groups have for their state of the art products. They would reward fools like you and me with bonuses for even trying to use a computer.
I hate this hp model and all the others.
The vicious feelings I have when I look at my Windows 11 computer are indescribable. Also we have not even talked about the way they give you instructions on how to copy and paste code onto your blog as if they were pointing you to an easy path to the bathroom at a restaurant.
Codes. Codes. Codes. Codes are the worst if you try to understand or use them. They are the hidden demons that bring in the viewers. They are poison to my eyes. All the computer codes should be boiled in oil.
Who the fuck can figure out outer space formulas besides geeks who get off on things like codes. I flunked geometry three times. I cannot even learn my way to my bedroom. Just give me a few double hot dogs while someone else writes the code for the creepy computers.
How about all the maneuvers a person needs to figure out Ad Sense which is the calculator Google uses to formulate what Google pays you with when your getting a click on your beloved blog.? I cant even look at the Ad Sense reports. It is just too fucking hard for a 75 year old fart to learn new tricks.
I have been writing on Blogger and other places for over a decade and haven't made peanuts in all that time. And you can see how good a writer I am. I am hidden treasure buried by technology. I am a genius with a learning disability. An idiot savant?
I do not understand how all these young people just figure out the complexities of computers and all the disgusting coded languages smart users exist on.
Yet, I am taking time out to vent because I am too addicted to this machine to stop. I must love the punishment which is probably why I'm writing a goofy article like this.
Misery loves company.
Oh, fuck it.
Things could be much worse.
Have a good day.
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