For a long time I have been researching ways to make money from home on my blog. I have not had much success although I have tried many different types of writing and online businesses. Some of it has to do with my lack of computer skills. Also, I have never hit the right idea. 

I have learned about many different types of online businesses by thousands of hours of personal experience and research. 

I am offering my audience useful tips and knowledge.

The first thing that must be done is to start a blog which can be created  for free.  I created a free blog from #Google. It is called #Blogger and is owned by #Google.

 My blog is

 Google has a dept. called #Adsense which keeps track of all the visitors and clicks you get on your #Blogger blog. All of your activity is  recorded by #Adsense which is the department you are paid from owned by #Google.

I have had my blog for many years.There is over 300 pieces written of all types from screen plays to psychology for you to view.    Check it out,    

I am offering you a few ideas to consider. 

One thing that is essential for your online business is a blog.There are blogs on every subject imaginable. Spend time studying what others do.

.Attracting blog viewers is where the money is and you must keep writing fresh copy constantly. So, find something you love and create your blog about it. 

Google will get your knowledge  to interested viewers. That is how they make money. 

When your blog gets clicks everyone makes cash. That sounds easy but is very hard to do.  

 Look at all the stories of internet millionaires. The next one could be you. But, you must try. Start now.

Here are Free ways to make money online. 

 Punch up Google blogger. Create your blog. You are almost done.

Within a short time, like minutes, you will be set up to enter whatever copy you want to write in your blog. Forget all the fancy, bells, whistles, and technical things you have heard about blogging .

They mean nothing. Just write. Get that blog going which a child can do. You can be up and running in 20 minutes.  I cannot understand computers or follow simple directions.

 I can blog. 

You just have to know about something that others want to know about and write.  

  Hundreds of millions of people are out there and Google knows how to find them.


#Googles search engines delivers your content to people who are searching the web for what you are offering. Write interesting content and everything else will take care of itself. 

You may be a genius. But, who cares if no one reads what you write. Put your stuff out there and you will be found. 


You are ready.

1-Start a blog.

Go to #Google #Blogger.

Write informative, interesting, useful, beneficial content and you will attract people to your blog. Google makes money from your work so they will deliver the viewers. It really is simple to blog. 

#Googles Adsense department does your bookkeeping and pays you each month by the amount of clicks your blog gets.You have to make $100.00 to get a check but its cumulative.

Look at the internet by searching Google until you find a subject or several subjects you want to blog about. Then, make a plan and go to work. Now.


You are really be smart about many things. Teach. Come up with information or directions that other people can learn and use. Give them free samples so they want more from you.  Charge a competitive price for your services. Be fair. You will develop a loyal audience and get good reviews. Feedback is gold. 

Earn it. 


Teaching online is huge.  Your expertise can be on one or many subjects, You can advertise your  blog free all over. Facebook, Twitter, or any social media is a good starting point. 

Give your prospective students relevant information. Prepare references, answers to questions and samples your prospective students will want to evaluate. Check around the internet for competitive pricing. 


Remember, just because you know how to fix a dishwasher or attach a shower head does not mean most other people can do. They will pay you to help them..


Come up with something creative that can be done on any subject. U-Tube is an internet video watched by millions of people putting on a U-Tube productions. If your U-Tube idea catches on people from all around the world will rush to see your production. You will get rich quickly or at least make lots of money. 

Most U-Tube ideas.  So what? But, if you succeed and put out a  video that hits the jackpot you will make a fortune. 

Any subject can work. Check it out.


Selling books on line is something I used to do on ebay. Than, Amazon took over the book market which shut out most of the small vendors. 

However, there is still money to be made if you want to dedicate an effort against the army of book sellers. 

Used books can easily be bought cheap or gotten free all over the place. Salvation Army, Goodwill, libraries, Craigs list, estate sales, auctions, churches and synagogues for starters are always offering thousands of used and new books. 

But, books must be transported and stored,  Pictures of each book must be taken and lots of reading and inspecting must be done before offering them online. 

Ultimately, most of the books listed do not sell.

Endless trips to ship sold books must be made to the post office. 

But, revenues are generated and you can find valuable, rare books which sell for lots of money. So, good luck and buy good magnifying glasses. Check #Amazon books.

These are a few free ideas.

It took me 2 hours to compose this.

Hopefully, I will get clicks.

Good Luck



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