You have read and heard about blogs. Maybe you should start one for yourself.

You can create a blog for free, you need no cash investment, no partners, no time limits or schedule,  no special computer skills, no nothing except knowledge of what you want to share.

Plus, people want information that you have no matter what your knowledge covers. 

Trust me.

There are hundreds of millions of people who go online searching for something every day. 

Maybe you have the information they want?

You can be up and running in 15 minutes with almost no computer skills. 

If I can do it anyone can. 

Go to # Google and punch up #Blogger. Then, with a tiny, tiny bit of effort you can set yourself up and are on your way.

Google will send viewers to you blog who want the information you have. That is how #Google makes their money. You earn by how many clicks or visitors go to your blog. 

#Adsense, Googles accounting arm keeps track of all your statistics free. They also send you the money you earn.

Content is key. 

Write continual, relevant, original content and the world may beat a path to your door.

Do not worry about all the technical parts of blogs. You can figure those out after you get your blog going.

You got this!!!              



  1. Self improvement/Self-Hypnosis
  2. Health & Fitness for Busy People
  3. Language Learning Blogs
  4. How to Travel on a Budget (Best hotel deals. Car rental. Trip advice.)
  5. Writing Style
  6. Rescued Animals
  7. Personal Development (Passions & Ambition Pursuing)
  8. Social Dynamics & Communication Skills
  9. Working in Uncommon Fields of Expertise While Location Independence
  10. Self Defense
  11. Recipes for couples without children
  12. Male guide to female communication
  13. Using technology in small business (Google Docs, CRM, credit card processing)
  14. Blogging about special kinds of foods (we’ve got a course on this one!)
  15. Bullying/cyber bullying
  16. Behavioral disorders in children
  17. Body-weight training
  18. Entrepreneurial education for young children & adults
  19. Disc Golf
  20. DIY Projects, DIY Business and Selling Homemade Items
  21. How to have a Strong Marriage
  22. How to be a real and true friend
  23. How to Train for a Triathlon
  24. Careers vs job: following your passion
  25. Getting VMWare Certified
  26. Getting Microsoft Certified
  27. Hamburgers
  28. Self-sustaining lifestyle (grow your own food/ use solar power etc)
  29. Mind strengthening (mind over matter/ lucid dreaming)
  30. Beyond the basics of personal financial management
  31. Healthy eating blog
  32. Ghost-hunting
  33. Home brewing beer
  34. Self defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)
  35. Indie Video Game Development
  36. Video Game tactics shown through video tutorials
  37. Helping small businesses get more customers
  38. Community gardening/Urban farming
  39. Starting and running your own social network
  40. Point and Shoot Photography (How to create incredible photographs with whatever camera you have in your pocket)
  41. Blog & Website Design for Non Designers (How to make your blog look incredible without spending a fortune)
  42. The Art of Getting What You Want (How to use confidence and technique to get what you want from life, your relationships and your career)
  43. Make Good Video for the Web (How to leverage the video medium to take your brand, blog, website, or business to the next level)
  44. Self-Employment (The logistics behind how to start working for yourself (i.e. How to leave your job, find health insurance, set up an LLC, etc.)
  45. How to write an e-bestseller (How could we document the process of creating an Amazon Kindle (or other electronic format) bestseller.)
  46. Rapid Language Learning
  47. How to become a better writer
  48. How to lose weight and feel awesome (Even at middle age! The Primal/Paleo way)
  49. Vegan diet
  50. Cycling. More specifically, urban commuting.
  51. Apartment living (this could range from renter issues to decor, etc.)
  52. Interior design blog
  53. Eating organic on a tight budget
  54. Health conscious, High mileage, Minimalist traveling
  55. How to Become a Famous Rock-star
  56. Sports Photography
  57. Life skills/life coaching for high school students
  58. College planning for homeschoolers
  59. Speaking in Public (How to overcome the fear to the audience; minimalistic approach to presentations, etc.)
  60. A Family related site (Topics centered mostly on improving the relationship between family members; how to increase the creativity of kids and specially parents; how to help kids to find their passion and inner peace.)
  61. Alternative Running Events (Mudruns, Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Warrior Dash, etc.)
  62. Learning the Ukulele
  63. Learn How to Play Guitar
  64. How to Get What You Want Without Breaking the Law or Burning Bridges
  65. Becoming a wine connoisseur
  66. Build a boat and cross the Pacific in it
  67. Getting good at tennis and qualifying for Wimbledon
  68. Windsurfing
  69. Regular Surfing
  70. How mobile applications that can improve one’s work productivity, relationships with friends and family, and overall quality of life.
  71. Simpler Living (a blog that will explore and map a journey from a miserable 6 figure a year traditional way of living back to an often forgotten way of life.)
  72. The best “places” around the world & do they live up to the hype?
  73. How to do travel photography/videography
  74. The Great Recession (A blog based upon a sustainable lifestyle with a smaller footprint.)
  75. Building an iPhone application
  76. The end of the world and the Maya prophecies for December 21st, 2012
  77. Car maintenance
  78. Running a Small Agile Business (we’ve got a 9 stage blogging/business roadmap for this)
  79. A “Good Cause” Site (Telling the Stories of Successful Non-Profits & Charities)
  80. Eco-tourism

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