Gus rolled up to the curb of the first floor apartment at the dilapidated three story building in Chicago's west side ghetto. He immediately saw the problem. Down the dimly lit pathway by the front door were two screaming African American males. One was a young ganger for sure, probably a Crypt, considering the location. 

His body was coiled with a closed fist and he was ready to attack the other guy who's old, tall, and skinny with a mustache and a gray scraggly beard. He looked like no match for this undoubtedly sky high raging bull.  Gus jumped out of his unmarked car and started running quickly toward the men as he screamed into his radio  "4212 S. Throop. Officer needs assistance." 

He felt this was going to get violent. He barked at the men "Police. Stop." The younger guy looked at Gus and gave him the finger. The old guy was backing away, obviously terrified of the kid.   Gus was a few feet from them with his badge swinging around his neck and his flashlight and radio in his hands. 

The young guy looked too high and crazed to hold himself back for any reason. "Hands up" Gus blurted out trying, again uselessly for avoid violence.  The kids wild, wide eyes and bulging neck clearly told Gus he was going all in at the old man. No stopping him with words. Raging bull badly wanted to get at the old scraggly, dude.

He lunged forward and swung his fist viciously into the older guys face. The sickening sound of cracking bone against flesh rang out.  The old guy fell and lay sprawled out in the dirty pathway He looked only semi-conscious. 

Gus moved next to the wild kid. The kid had pulled his leg back getting ready to kick the defenseless guy to the next planet.

"Stop" Gus screamed in his face "or you're going to jail."

"Come on motherfucker!" the punk shouted, backing up and turning his attention to Gus. He then pumped his foot out and tried to kick Gus in the nuts. He almost got him but not quite.

Gus caught the punk's ankle with his quick, strong hands. He pulled the kids leg up pushing him off balance and ran him backwards on his one foot into the wall his head, cracking into the bricks. 

The punk slumped against the wall stunned, but still on his feet. Gus watched with surprise as the boy gathered his energy, stood up  preparing for a run at him. 

This was seeming like an eternity, Gus thought. Where's the fucking back up?  Those cocksuckers, he thought. The wild boy sprang off the wall grunting like an enraged animal and put his head down bull-rushing Gus. 

Gus stepped to the side and with a mighty upper cut smashed the lead barrel of his flashlight into the face of this maniac whose nose exploded into torrents of blood.

The punk grabbed his head, screaming out in pain as he fell onto his knees. He bellowed in misery and shock as blood gushed out of his smashed in face. 

Gus stood over the kid, hoping for no more, but ready to bang him again. Fortunately, the punk was whipped and done. He started wrestling off his t-shirt pulling it over his busted face. It was immediately saturated with bright blood which was pouring down heavily making big puddles.  

Gus looked back at the street thinking, what the fuck is going on here. It's been like ten minutes. Back up should have been here. "Lazy jagoffs," he muttered. They probably think other guys covered me.

Meanwhile, the older guy was crawling around trying to push himself up and get his senses back. Gus told him "take it easy and go sit on the stairs." 

Gus then saw the young, bloody punk go down on all fours. He tried to get up only to go down again. 

Finally, four cops ran up thru the pathway, handcuffs clinking and flashlights illuminating the area. Their voices cracked profane, cop talk at the two offenders.

"What a bunch of assholes you are," Gus yelled to all four." "The sergeant said "Sorry Gus." 

"Sorry my ass," said Gus. 
"Search'em and cuff'em and get emergency here to check them out," he barked.
The young punk had found wobbly and got up. 
"Sit'em down on those steps after you're done."
The cops scooped up both guys and followed orders.

"I could have gotten buried if that kid got lucky with me," Gus said, pointing to raging bull. " He decided to fight me after he knocked out grandpa over there."

"I got here just as he was going to use that old guys face as a football."

One cop came back with a 22-caliber gun he found on the old man. "What's this? Protection?" said Gus sarcastically to the old dude.
"Sit back down."
Gus stared straight at the sergeant.

"What did you do to him?" said the sarge, pointing at the young gang banger who was trying to keep standing. 
" His face looks like it went through a meat grinder."

"He wanted to fight," said Gus softly. The cops knowingly looked at each other seeing how legendary Detective Gus Johnson had earned the respect he received throughout the department.

"Speaking of faces, I needed to see you're guys ugly faces.
You took fucking forever to get here." He looked at the fat, sloppy looking seargent
 who scratched his chubby head, guiltily. 

"I had to give him a love tap," Gus said disgustedly, "because your men weren't here fast enough." 

 "Great job, Gus," the sergeant smirked at the guys, playing it off  as if he had been part of the fight. He knew he was out of line as soon as he opened his mouth and Gus busted him. 
"What's fucking funny, barked Gus?" He did not wait for an answer.

"What happened? Where were you at?

"I needed you men to get here like right now as if I were your sister getting mugged. Get it? You never know about any call, so you go go go on every call, every time. You all remember that, because you forgot tonight and I won't forget you did." 

"The reason for being so slow? Gus questioned. 
"Was it doughnuts?" 
 He was looking at the sergeant.
"Hot dogs," confessed
 the red faced, sloppy sergeant.
 "Sorry Gus, he whispered."

Gus told the group what had happened. He knew they were hot to hear the story. He told it. He did not tell it to impress anyone. He told it  
 to help one of them maybe save another cop next time. Whatever. He never bragged.  

"Just a wake up call, guys.  Slow back-ups result in dead cops. Police get lazy and other policemen die. I could have been a dead man for no reason. Don't forget that." 

"I ever see one of you late on a back up call again I'll kick your lazy ass. Got me? Tell your partners what I said."

"Maybe you'll save someone's life sometime or someone will save yours.  I called for back-up as soon as I got here and saw the two were gonna fight. Then, that kid smacked the old man and was going to do a number on him, just as I got up there?"

 He pointed to the crazy kid. "He tried to take me out after I stopped him from kicking the old guy he punched."

"The police didn't mean a thing to this asshole. He swung at me after I knocked him away from the old slug. Then, he wanted to fight. He could have had a weapon and I'm gone.  Or, he could have gotten lucky some other way."

 "How many minutes ago did you get the call?"
"Eight," said the sarge looking at his watch.
"Where were you?"
" It should have taken you three to get here.
 You would have been in time for me to stay out of danger."
 "Really sorry, Gus," said the humbled sergeant.

Emergency arrived and checked the two combatants and said they were okay enough not to have go to the hospital. Some disinfectant and bandages and the medics were gone.

Suddenly, a woman came trotting down the pathway and screamed, "Don't hurt him." She was obviously the young guy's mother. 

She ran to the steps and asked anyone what her bloody boy did as she protectively wrapped her arm around his shoulder, moaning "Oh, Henry," making Gus think of Henry's hamburgers, the McDonalds of his childhood.

"I'm alright, mamma." She looked closely at his bandaged face. She stroked his hair gently. "I'm good."

Gus then introduced himself. 
"And you are?" I'm Charlene Johnson and this is my son Henry Johnson." 

Charlene looked hot like fire, a tall woman with a big rack and a perfect big ass. Gus was happy with the lust he felt. It had been a while since he got that turned on by anyone.

The other guys stared like wide eyed little boys attempting to conceal their horny selves.

"What happened, officer?" Charlene asked him in a husky voice, recognizing that Gus was in charge. Street-sense, thought Gus. She knows who the boss is out here.

"Tell her, Henry," Gus said with his first grin of the night. Henry was now recovering.

Henry said Charles had come looking for the rent and they had an argument, and then the cops came. 
"Charles do that to you baby?"

"I didn't touch him," Charles snapped. "He hit me. "I came here for the rent you promised Charlene."
"Oh yeah, Charles. That why you're, here huh?" said Charlene.

"You didn't drop the money today, Char", he answered.

"Oh, I see. You been getting paid for three years, but tonight you had to come over at 2 am for it"? You know I pay your sorry ass that rent every single month
 I know what you really wanted."

Gus was starting to get fascinated.

A quiet Henry now spoke up.
"Why did you do me like that man?" said Henry looking at Gus  and spitting out those words angrily. He has a temper, thought Gus. 

Before Gus answered, Charlene slapped her sons arm. 
"Shut up Henry. He'll take you to jail. Just shut up. "

"I should," said Gus. "He hit the guy over there and was going to do more when I got to him. Your boy here didn't pay any attention to my badge. He was crazy. I had to settle him down. He's lucky."

"You're not gonna arrest him are you?" I know he was defending my honor me because of that piece of shit." She pointed at Charles. "I don't know yet,"  "First, I need your names. I got to see what this is all about."

"I'm Charlene. Charlene Johnson, and this is my son Henry Johnson. You'll be alright, Henry," said Charlene reassuring her scared son.  "He will behave, officer. Please don't take him to jail?" 

Now, Gus was changing his attitude. Charlene had some real heart for that kid and he had strong feelings for her, thought Gus

"Got IDs all of you? asked Gus.
Everyone nodded yes.

They all handed Gus ID's.  

Gus was impressed with the mom's common sense. Sensible and slutty but passionate and obviously street smart. She also had that body that couldn't be missed. 

He tried no to make eye contact to give her an edge. Gus could feel some animal heat emerging in his oversexed loins.

One of the cops came back with a loaded 22 caliber gun he found on Charles.
Gus looked Charles in the eye.  "What's this?" he asked holding up the now unloaded 22 ?" "Protection for an older gentleman like you?" "You know how it is officer." was Charles' response. 

"I know how it is and I know you don't come here to collect rent  in the middle of the night unless you want trouble or something else."

He rolled his eyes toward Charlene. Gus displayed the gun again.  "This is unlawful possession unless you have a permit Charles."
"Do you?" he asked almost jokingly.
"No officer" 

Gus continued. "You know him?" pointing to Henry?" "It doesn't look like you and him were in a fair fight. That means you might have used that gun on him if I didn't get here. Or, maybe shot me" 

Charles said, "No. it's only to scare people who fuck with me. I never would have used it. I gotta deal with a lot of bad people around here."

"You're a low life, lying, cheating pimp." blurted Charlene. "That's what you are."

 "How about after Henry kicked you?" Gus continued.
"Would you have gone bang bang Charles? Gus didn't wait for an answer. 

"Ok, Charles. We'll talk later at the station." 

"Run all three names Gus said to any of the cops." 

One of  the cops men came back quickly with the records.  

"He has been arrested 14 times," he said, pointing to Charles. All in the last three years." Five unlawful weapons possessions, five prostitution solicitations, two burglaries, two robberies, and he's on probation now."

"And Henry here?

"An  aggravated assault and a theft in the last two years."   Shoplifting a few months ago. Served no time yet. That's all."

" What about Charlene ?" "She's clean." 
Good, thought Gus.  Charlene is clean.

"Take him in." Gus motioned at Charles. "Unlawful possession is the charge for now."
"Oh no." moaned Charles. The kid hit me. "You saw."

Gus said, "I gotta get the story from them and then I'll talk to you at the station." 

 "I don't know if this is on the kid and his mother or you or everyone. I know there is more going on here. We'll see later Charles."

"OK Gus. Again, sorry."
Gus said "Later" to the sarge as he left with one other cop and old Charles.

Gus turned again to Charlene and Henry. "OK, Charlene. What's the story. It's 2 in the morning and this man is coming to collect the rent? Whats that about?" 

"I do owe him $500. I was supposed to drop it to him today. But, I got ripped off two nights ago."

"Ripped off?" said Gus. "How'd you get ripped off? You don't look easy to rip off." Their eyes locked and she knew he had her.

 "I lent the money to a close friend in trouble," she admitted, as her head tilted down.
"Didn't you think he would come here to get the money? "

"Yeah, I knew," Charlene said. "But I didn't think Henry would be home. I'd never get him in trouble. We're all each other has. He's been in enough trouble." He's a good boy, but wild and with the wrong people."

"Your story Charlene, with Charles?" 
"That bastard was my pimp for a while, but he is scum. I worked for him dealing with some high class clients he had. You know, high roller party guys and women living large on the gold coast. We hooked  up and 
made good money for a while."

"Then?" said Gus.
"He ripped me off.
He wanted me sucking his cock for free all day everyday. I said no, after a while. He was always shorting me on jobs too."

"He smacked me in front of Henry a few days ago when I told him no more. That's why Henry did him that way. He's a good boy."

Gus looked at Henry differently now.

"You working now," asked Gus. 
"Yeah. Waitressing at Big John's 24- hour joint on Cottage." 
"I know it," nodded Gus. 

This is good, he thought. Action. Sex. Fun. 
Player Gus loved living on the fringe. He also had a soft heart for distressed people. 

Gus said. "And Charles told you you could slide on the rent but you slid too far?" 
"Yeah," said Charlene. "Now, he's just pissed about everything. I promised him I'd drop the cash at his place but I never showed. So, he came here looking for anything, you know?"

"I could have hurt your son, or he could have hurt me because of your doping with your ex-pimp's rent. 
"Does that make sense?"
"Let's go to the station, Charlene and Henry.We'll all have a nice chat and I'll figure out what to do."

That's my car right there pointed Gus.." You sit in the front, Henry, and you sit in the back, Charlene." . 

They arrived at the 22nd precinct. Charles was sitting there handcuffed. Gus took all three to a small table outside the room. 

This was all chickenshit, thought Gus. A fight, a gun, a wild kid getting even for his mothers pimp abusing her. The only asshole was Charles.

Henry had to learn never to fight with the police again. Gus thought he might learned a lesson.

"Come over here, Henry." He took Henry down to the temporary morgue in the basement. There was a dead man who had been shot through his eye splattering his brains all over. "See that man, Henry?" Henry got very pale.

He went looking for someone who insulted his girlfriend at a ballgame. You know, a street ball game." 
"Yeah, I know" said Henry. "I play." 

"Well, he walked up to the dude and hit him in the face, just like you did Charles. It was a bad ass punch you hit him with, Henry.".

 "He hit my mom." "I know, said Gus." 

"That dead guy laying here beat the shit out of the guy who insulted his girl just like you did to Charles. 

But, the guy with the big mouth had a gun. Look at him again son." He was trying to defend his girlfriends honor over nothing."

You consider yourself a good person, Henry?" "I love my mom."

 "How do you think your mom would feel if she saw you dead like this man?"

"You weren't looking when they found this on Charles, Henry." He pulled out the unloaded gun. 

"He would have used it on you if he had the chance. You were lucky today, Henry."

"I think you"re a good kid, A smart kid. Learn a lesson tonight you can use forever. Don't ever fight with the police. Try to stay away from violence which I know is hard. Try."

I always get put in advanced classes sir." "I do hate fighting but I have to." "Not always," said Gus.
"You may have gotten a new life today, Henry.
Take another look at that proud dead man," 
"I can't," whined a petrified Henry. He scares me and makes me sick." 
"Good," said Gus. 

 He saw a human being in Henry. There was hope in this kid's eyes. 

"Get right, Henry. You know what I mean." 

Gus went over to Charles, a broken, lost cause. An arch criminal with no use for life. Gus booked him for carrying a concealed weapon. Fuck him, thought Gus. He belongs in jail.

Finally, he went over to Charlene. Charlene asked " What about Henry?" "We talked," said Gus. "No charges." 
"Oh, thank you, officer." 

"Call me Gus," he flirted. 
"Hey Gus, you always working?"
"Not tomorrow night." 
"Let's get together."  Gus offered to a lady that wasn't shy.
"We're on," said Charlene.
"Big Johns at 8?"
"Sure, said Charlene."
"Great." answered Gus


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