Donald J. Trump became President of the United States of America in 2016 because he is a great con man and sold the country snake oil by convincing enough people that he could lead the nation.

He fast talked a big base of mostly right wing, angry, disenchanted, gullible, and fed up voters into believing he was their champion and would stand up to establishment politicians and institutions.

Trump quickly realized that his colorful, rebellious, showman style and spiel mattered much more to his followers than truth or policy. The more outrageous, nonsensical, and ridiculous the wild claims he made were the more his supporters worshiped him.

Among his lies and baseless promises he made he said he would build a wall to stop illegal aliens from coming into the United States. He said Mexico would pay for the construction of that wall. 

He also said that he would create a new and better health care program to replace Obamacare. He promised to end wars, get nuclear disarmament with North Korea and guaranteed many other things he has not delivered on. 

He is a pathological liar.

He has blurted out scores of outrageous, imbecilic falsehoods each day he has been in office. His words are sucked up like chocolate sodas by his believers. Trump has told more than fourteen thousand lies since his inauguration.

That ignorant moron bullshits his base of voters over and over but they continue to mindlessly inhale his verbal pollution to the point that he has developed a cult like following.

He has been so incompetent, negligent, and destructive in abusing his unparalleled power that he is one of the few presidents in history to be impeached. He is unquestionably unfit to be our commander-and-chief.

As bad as his presidency has been, his egregious behavior fortunately never involved risking the health of the citizens. That recently changed.

A devastating, lethal sickness much worse than any other epidemic is ravaging our nation and most of the globe. It is called the coronavirus and was originally predicted to kill 100,000 to 250,000 Americans and sicken countless others.

It has killed over 100,000 already after Trump ignored early briefings about the virus and when he stupidly insisted that the virus would quickly disappear.

Trumps only claim to fame during his disastrous presidency was the economy and low unemployment. That is gone.

The economy is in a recession and unemployment is insanely high.

However, this virus spells disaster for Trump's re-election. If it spikes up again than the nation will suffer a lethal blow.

The proper response to avoid transmitting the virus or contracting it is for people to stay home and stay away from each other. 

We did that but Trumps refusal to accept science and the current riots cut the time off too soon to flatten the virus properly. 

So, it's now a crap shoot whether we are safe. We will see soon.

Hundreds of thousands of businesses are closed indefinitely. 

Unemployment numbers are skyrocketing at about forty million while the stock market fluctuates wildly. 

We are literally dying for factual information and guidance from our president about the virus, the economy, foreign policy and most importantly we hunger for leadership. 

Trump cannot be a leader because he is an ignoramus to many and even to conservative Ann Coulter who used to support him but abandoned him.

Yet, Trump rambles on continually making things worse by insulting anyone who criticizes or disagrees with him.

He is a thin skinned little baby with a nine year old spoiled brat mentality who unfortunately became an accidental, and fake president.

Instead of being concerned with what should be his highest priority, the safety of the citizens, this dope  is consumed with his real highest priority which is saving his own ass.

He  pitched a scientifically unproven cure for the virus. He was wrong.

Do you think that our president suddenly wanted to do his duty and protect the health and safety of the country? 

No way. 

Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

He hustled the terrified, sick, and dying nation with the same words that he used to try and convince African Americans to vote for him in 2016.

"What do you have to lose?" he barked out to millions a while ago. He implored us to take doses of an unproven drug he pitched.

Maybe it will perform miracles he implied? Who knows? Try it.

Medical experts say that the side effects of this drug could hurt us badly or could kill us. That is what we have to lose by listening to Trump.

Our lives. Donald J. Trump, you are an ignorant, moronic, nauseating, reprehensible, vile, evil, treacherous, rotten fucking excuse for a human being. 

You are the devil.

This narcissists' words matter greatly to many.

Trump is on a mission. He needs you to get off your butts and start working again. He has prematurely opened the flood gates and encouraged people to go back to work even though the coronavirus still is expanding in many areas.

If Trump does not win re-election than his power, his money, and hopefully his freedom may be gone.

He is very likely to get indicted, prosecuted, and thrown in jail because of his criminal conduct in office. As president, he is almost untouchable. 

As a civilian there are countless people who would love to go after him locally and federally.

He deserves the enormous anger and hostility that he has rightfully earned

He has to be watched carefully now because he is cornered like a trapped rat.

But, unlike a rat who can fight Trump is a cowardly rat who must have others do his fighting. They will be gone when Trump is neutered.

I believe Donald J. Trump deserves to be in jail for life.

His ultimate fate may be uncomfortably resting his orange head on a steel bunk.

Wouldn't that be a shame?


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