I endorse Adam Schiff for President in 2020. 

Go for it Adam or go for it in 2024. In my opinion you are so clearly the best qualified potential Presidential candidate  based on intellect, experience, talent, and charisma. 

Also, you are a fabulous speaker which is critical.

You could talk the leaves off the trees. That helps a lot. I predict you will become one of our countries foremost leaders. 

This nation is stuck with a bunch of squabbling, not very bright, unappealing turkeys flapping around aimlessly and you, Mr. Schiff, are an eagle soaring way over all the rest of the Democratic politicians. You could catch fire easily if unleashed.

So, here is the plan. You figure out a way to get over on Trump and his henchman Mitch McConnell in this Senate sham trial. Maybe you can do it with with your skills and a little luck. In fact, after two days you already are beating the crap out of your adversaries.  

Even if you cannot prevail than lose in spectacular style. Take many casualties. Lose ferociously. Pound away relentlessly at those scummy, brainwashed, gutless Republican automatons. Then, you win than no matter what the official results are. 

Your abilities to persuade are as strong as your legal and political skills. You are fabulous. Your oratory is consuming and compelling.

You have the pulse on what is motivating people from both Democratic, Republican and other viewpoints. You are young, strong, and have boundless energy. Also, you are a good, very ethical, and honorable man with a big set of balls who eats up pressure. 

No one paying attention with any sense is unaware of your genius even if they do not agree with you. Well, maybe Trump and some of his idiots don't but they are brainwashed and some are brain dead.

You just may bring down Trump with the help of your party in this impeachment trial because he is so wrong for the country and you and your values are so right for it. 

That's a long shot right now but who knows? Maybe Trump will get impeached and removed in the Senate trial. Or, be so badly damaged that he will be totally neutered.

So, after this mockery of a trial has concluded Trump will be even smellier garbage than he already is. Also, he will be better known to a much larger audience than the limited audience who already was aware of his corruption before the televised trial started. 

That's good. That putz Trump will not get any more popular no matter what he says or does. He has all the appeal to new people of being bitten by a rabid dog. Your popularity is soaring.

You, sir, seem like a night in shining armor fighting for good. Trump is the pure devil he always has been ever since he found out what money and power could do for his pathetic life.

I do not know how you can figure out a way to raise public sentiment enough to pressure the cowardly Republicans into ditching Trump immediately as you and your constituents must do.  But, stranger things have happened. 

That evil bastard Trump has had a good run of luck but cannot keep it going because he has nothing to offer in return for those that glorify him. Luck ends sooner or later. You never know when he will crap out. Maybe today?

Trump will simply implode or explode by his own actions or the actions of others who want to bring him down. He is too insecure, ignorant, and self destructive not to. Watch.

I doubt that you will read this open letter. If you do please draw some inspiration from it. Do not let up on vanquishing Trump. Every day that you bang away at him and his revolting Republican supporters is another day that you sap more of his and their diminishing strength.  

You and your Democrats speak in behalf of the Constitution and we are grateful that you proudly carry the torch of mother justice.

Your power, Adam, comes from trying to do justice for the country, your supporters, and your own values. That is all anyone can do and that is enough. The founding fathers did the same thing and we are here today because of their intrepid spirit.

I, and so many others, respect and admire your noble, valiant fight against a wanna be dictator leading an intimidated and gutless group of Senators who eat shit for Trump.

 Plan on running for the big office Adam. You would be a great President of the United States. A real President...not a fake one who should be hustling bogus deals to suckers. But, not hustling in our White House.  

You and many of us are fighting the good fight. Trump will never know what that feels like nor will his cronies. 

Thanks for your service.

David Stein  


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