What kind of totally ignorant, block headed, brainwashed, obtuse asshole do you have to be to not believe that Trump engaged in corruption throughout his term so far?
He betrayed his oath of office as soon as he got inaugurated. Every one of those gutless, cowardly, brainwashed Republican pieces of garbage Senators knows that.
Doesn't continuing to support this loudmouth, spoiled brat, narcissistic President make it okay for anyone out there to disregard the law and do any unlawful and illegal things they wish to do?
If scum ball Trump can makes himself above the law then so can anyone else. Trump has set a new, low bar for the lawbreakers of America.
Whatever criminal action you engage in it seems you will not be punished if you have money and friends and supporters in high places.
You, Mr. Dishonest John and Jane, just say fuck you to anyone who demands you observe or obey any law. After all, if the Commander-In-Chief can do what he wants than so can you.
So, scummy Trump. You have been a fine role model for our nation. You have shown all of us that if a person refuses to obey subpoenas, decides to commit fraud, obstructs justice, or whatever else it is than you can plead the Trump defense.
I am above the law.
So, sadly that is now where our country stands. When all is said and done it is okay to be a criminal.
Because President Trumps is telling us to. He is leading by his deeds.
Aren't you proud of President Donald J. Trump all you Trumpers?
Trump is showing us we can all be criminals just like him.
Help !!
Defeat this hunk of garbage in the 2020 election.
Than, he can be indicted for his numerous crimes and maybe be sentenced to jail.
Cleaning prison toilets is something this stable genius can possibly do.
Come on fellow Americans. Don't let Trump get away with his abuses of power.
Defeat him.
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