Drunken Bitch In My Lyft

Drunken bitch gets in my #Lyft car and says take her to an address near downtown Chicago. We arrive at the destination but she insists that we are not in the right place. The GPS indicates we are,

She gets abusive and starts screaming at  me to take her to the place she wants to go to. I say we are there.  She is screaming like the disgusting spoiled brat she is threatening that she will have me locked up if I will not keep driving to get  her to this imaginary destination. I tell her that the ride is over, that the meter is off, and to leave the car.
She refuses. She says that her dad is a policeman. I hand her my phone and tell her to call him. She screams unintelligibly again and demands I get her to this fictitious address. As I was about to call the cops I see three  of them walking towards my car.

I open the door and start yelling at them to get this drunken nut out of my car. They pull her out after seeing she is drunk. I drive away with her now screaming at the police.


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