Chicago Cab Driver Beats Up Dope Dealer

This punk called for a ride in my cab. He gets in the car after making me wait for about 15 minutes while he walked down into the street from his garbage can of an apartment building. He got in the cab and I asked "where would you like to go, sir"? This gross looking little asshole immediately buried his face in his cell phone. He answers me, "just drive straight ahead'. I'll tell you where to go".

He  is immediately very absorbed in an obviously shady conversation about where to meet someone to make a drop off. That is what I can interpret. Seems like a dope deal getting set up

 I didn't care but I still wanted to know what part of town we were going to. It is Chicago after all.. I drive another couple blocks and then he says "turn here". It was into a street that goes right to the most dangerous ghetto  in Chicago. I got even more concerned when he mumbled that we have to make more stops along the way after the first one.

 I  decided I was not going to be his escort  driving him to lethal destinations and sit there waiting for him to take care of his customers. I was scared shitless of sitting  in my cab and standing out like a neon sign, a whiter then rice looking older guy being a sitting duck for any low life who targeted me. I knew I was in trouble and that I was on my own to get out of it..There was no time for cell phone calls to the police and something in me would just not let me drive away.

 He directs me to the first address and there are some gang bangers out on a lawn. That told me the story for sure.. They all recognize this guy. One screams "where you been?" "No worries my brothers" " When the Dr. says he's coming he's coming".

The rat gets out of the cab and goes off to a semi-sheltered spot by the house with one guy and I see a fast exchange of a bag going out and a wad of money going into the dealers hands..The dealer. counts the wad and salutes goodbye to his customers..He then looks back a me and signals he will be right back. I'm shaking now because I know what I have to do..

Th dealer.engages in a little more small talk and walks back toward my cab. He then gets in and says" now we're going a few blocks away." I spoke as forcefully as I could. . "How many spots we got to hit"? I asked.hoping he would say  one or two more and Iwould  not have to act.. I didn't want a confrontation with this thug.

 I'll tell you later" he snaps.You just drive" "We got a bunch of things to do" Now, I am getting pissed besides being just plain scared. Again, someone had made me a victim. Just like in the schoolyard I think to myself.  Here's another bully who will abuse me until I won't take it anymore.

I stop the cab and turn around and look at this scum. "Hey man, why you stop? he asks. I opened my door and jumped out of the cab and went to his door. I was petrified. I am  no match for almost. I also thought he
 may have a gun or knife. But, I had made my decision..

 I open his door. "Would you step out sir, this ride is over" " I do not have to drive anyone who I feel unsafe with and I feel unsafe with you". Motherfucker" he screams in my face with a stinky breath and gleaming yellow teeth. "You ain't throwing me out" I'm not done here"

He starts  trying to get out of the car and go for  me. I hold his door closed for a second. Then I backed up and let him out. He came at me. I pivoted on the curb, and then I smashed him in the face as hard as I could as he got out of the door..

My right fist connected hard.. Blood shot out of his nose which cracked like a tree branch.. I put my knee in his chest as he fell and held my hand around his neck as he hit the ground..

"More"? I said " with a cocked fist above his busted face.."Your crazy man" he said.. I'll find you and hurt you bad"
 "No you won't asshole" "You have better things to do" And, I'll get you busted" "

The fare is on me I said as I stood up and walked back into my cab".
He was on the ground holding his busted nose as I drove away..

"Take the bus next time".I yelled..


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