

Int. David’s house-Day
Tree lined middle class street-first floor of 3 story building. 5 little boys about 12 years old are outside David’s window yelling at him to come outside. David goes to window.

Alan-C’mon out David.
David-I don’t want to yet.
Alan-We’re not gonna hurt you.
David-That’s ok.
Alan-We want you to play ball with us.
David-I’m going somewhere with my brother Jerry.

Int. Davids apt-continued
Jerry-What’s going on David?
David-Nothing Jer.
Jerry-Those boys bothering you again? I heard them yelling.

Jerry, David’s older brother is 18 and a known tough guy and a popular, respected athlete throughout the neighborhood. David idolizes him. He loves and protects his baby brother David.

Continuous-David’s apt.

David-I’m fine
Jerry-Go out there and whack that Alan kid in the face. That  way they all will leave you alone. He’s the leader isn’t he?
David-  Nods.Sick to his stomach with fear and embarrassment.
David (continued) I don’t want to
Jerry-Too scared?
David-I guess.
Jerry-The bullies will own you until you stand up to them. Go out there and start punching and don’t stop. I’ll watch and make sure you don’t get hurt. Do it.
David walks to the door thinking about going outside and fighting, He can’t do it and starts crying.
Jerry (continuous) Get out there you coward. You’re an embarrassment.
David-I can’t..

Jerry Ext.of apt-continuous. Goes outside to boys

Jerry-Get out of here guys. David doesn’t want to play.
Alan-Your brother is a chickenshit.
Other boys nod agreement
Jerry- So are all your fathers. Tell them I said that and ask them if they want to come see me about it?
Jerry- Now, get  out of here you little assholes.

Ext continuing.
Alan let's go guys.I told you he wouldn't come out after I shoved him around yesterday.
(will be continued)

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