Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Donald Trump (30020836983)

Dumb Donald Trump recently made the most dangerous, dumbest,  selfish, and unpatriotic move of his life. He ordered the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, the second most powerful man in Iran next to Ayatollah Khomeini. Soleimani was a revered man among the Iranian people and military. 

Yes. He had American blood on his hands but so do countless others we correctly leave alone for political reasons. But, his murder, committed according to Trumps orders, was for the good of Trump, not for the good of the United States of America. 

As usual, Trump said fuck America, fuck my oath of office, I'll take care of me.

The consequences of the assassination were predicted to be and are so grave that it seems this killing was more than just another ignorant, impulsive, thoughtless move from a President who cannot think straight.

This act was different because it was so deadly with potentially  treacherous consequences. This move was about ignoring the  safety of the nation and world for Americans everywhere for Trumps personal welfare. Trump has put us all in grave danger.

Trump approved the Soleimani killing because he does not have the courage, guts, or will to face his own deteriorating future. He could not take the pressure that continues to build on him. So, he bailed out by starting a new crisis with Iran in ordering this moronic act of assassination. 

Trump has thrown out a gigantic red herring in the form of American lives and interests to distract everyone away from his impeachment trial and all of his impeachable misdeeds. 

He has blown us up again in the Mideast needlessly rather than face his own future.

He is a coward, a gutless scum bag, a low life who lies, cheats, steals, and defrauds anyone he can. He is a terrible excuse for a human being, let alone a President. He has shown he will do or say anything to save his own ass. Than, when cornered, he hides behind others. Or Twitter.

It's amazing that Trumps gutless, unpatriotic cowardly Republican Senators keep supporting him just for the little power and money they receive. They stink as bad as Trump does. 

 Trump also had Soleimani killed because he is a mentally ill, crazy, uncontrollable, spoiled child who must get attention at any and all costs. He threw the whole nation under the bus this time rather than face the consequences of his actions.

 He is scared to death because he knows he has about used up all the good will and patience his supporters have generously offered. So, he gets everyone looking away from him and toward Iran. 

 He has sucked us all into being distracted by another subject just like he has done with all the individuals, bankers, investors, and anybody else willing to believe his con. Deception is his trademark   to all who trust him 

But, this time his ploy will backfire because this nation does not want another war. Trump has no one else to blame. He knows that and we know it. He has only himself to throw under the bus. 

We cannot be distracted from war. We know war and hate it. Trump can never change the fact that he started a new war. He owns the new Middle East war. Forever.  

He's has been looking weaker and weaker and more impotent than in the past. He is a dim witted criminal trying to cover himself. Trump is a desperado with no balls. The dummy is on his way down the filthy, smelly political sewer of leaders who drove their countries over the cliff. 

So, without thought, deliberation, concern about the consequences or approval he had this Soleimani guy killed. By that idiotic maneuver he set in motion events that could cause injuries and deaths to Americans all over the world. 

 He again tried to show us he is the smartest, strongest, and most politically brilliant guy in the room. He shook his rattle to get the worlds attention focused on him.  After all, bad attention to any narcissistic child is better than no attention at all. He made a fatally bad bet that he could bully Iran.

He has gambled all our lives by killing off a big time Iranian and putting our nation in a permanently horrible political and moral position. 

The Iranians want revenge and will get it. They are ready to fight forever to avenge the murder of their dead general. That is why no other president killed Solemani before. Only Dumb Donald took the bait. 

What do we get for Trumps assassination of this Iranian general? What great accomplishment did Trump bring us like Obama did when he killed Hussein or Bin Laden?

Nothing, Zilch. Zero

 Only conflict, fear and likely death to some Americans, many who voted the dummy into office in part because he promised there would be no more wars. 

Our gift from Trump is a new war in the Middle East. Trump owns it and he is cornered. He cannot distract anyone out of blaming him for starting it. He cannot lie, bullshit, mislead, deceive, or double talk away the new Mideast war he ignited.

Trump threw all our civilians, military bases, outposts, embassies, airports and planes, you name it, up for grabs. If it is related to America, the Iranians want to destroy it or kill it.  Iran wants to get back at America, their avowed enemy and they are now frothing at the mouth for revenge.

We get to watch Trump get his rocks off trying to bully a country  you cannot bully. Iran is our enemy but was not a threat when the nuclear freeze was in place. Then, Trump withdrew from it. Probably because Obama engineered it. 

I am no fan of people who want to hurt or kill Americans. I was no fan of this Iranian general or any other Iranian who hates us. But, Iran is not a weak or stupid country. They are hard core fighters with lots of soldiers, missiles, and other assets. 

Trump opened the door for Russia, Isis, and our other enemies to get a free pass to team up and support Iran against the United States. They have to love what Donald the dummy Trump did.

Donald J. Trump, you are the dumbest President in the history of the United States and probably the world.

Fuck your tax returns, your impeachment trial, and all the non-lethal stuff for now. You are playing with live ammunition. Your own people. You are puking all over your office as leader of the free world and have covered us all in your vomit. 

We want to live in peace and you have put us all in harms way for who knows how long? You have possibly ruined our lives. 

For NO reason.

You are supposed to be protecting American lives and property and upholding the Constitution. You do not have a clue how to do any of that. You do not have the brains to figure out almost anything let alone play three dimensional world political chess

You are a builder who cannot even put up a wall. You cannot speak, spell, or write intelligently. You do not read, listen, take advice, or interact with your own hand picked cabinet and advisers. 

You communicate to millions on Twitter like an illiterate trying to sound smart. 

Fake President Trump, you bring nothing but greed, bias, hate, lies, ignorance, disrespect, and contempt for Americas Constitution and to anyone who disagrees or objects to your ignorant thinking.

You campaigned about needless wars, immigration, excessive spending, high taxes,  government waste, military benefits, Obamacare and so many other things.

But, you have accomplished nothing other than what Obama started in presiding over a bigger economy and a lower unemployment rate.
You have created only bigger paydays for billionaires.
You have been a colossal failure as President. 

You just made a big mess of the country like the destructive child you are Dumb Donald. 

Lunatics, psychopaths,  and certain animals act strictly on impulses as Trump has done his whole life.  He is deranged and incapable of being thoughtful, patient, and rational. 

He is a "fucking moron" according to conservative Rex Tillerson, and an "ignoramus" according to conservative Ann Coulter, both who previously worked and supported him.  Each wrote him off as an idiot and worse.

 He has started a war with Iran which is a country that has huge money, manpower, and nuclear military might. They always had an intense hatred toward America and that hatred is now exploding. Trump gave them a reason to attack us. 

Every President before Trump knew that so they tried to keep the peace with Iran. Not Dumb Donald Trump. He figured what the fuck, why not throw a tantrum to get attention? Fuck anyone who gets hurt or killed because of his brainless provocation. 

 Donald has been scamming people forever. He does not care who he throws under the bus when trapped. This criminal scammed us with phony real estate deals, failed gambling casinos, rip off businesses, phony training courses and lies, lies, and more lies. 

The fool has gone bankrupt five times. That is impressive considering he inherited over 400 million dollars from his rich daddy. He became useless to financial institutions all across the country because he does not repay his loans or creditors.

He has been up to his ears in impeachment proceedings and has used his legal muscle to block all attempts to get the truth about his obstructions of Congress and abuses of power. He thinks he is above the law.  

We desperately need a leader who knows what they are doing, who listens to the advice of others, who has a plan, knowledge, forethought, strategy. We need a real President and cabinet.

Trump should be hustling fake wristwatches or fake somethings, somewhere. That is all he is good for. 

What happens now? Trump is supposed to think in a rational way about how to guide the military and the country in crisis? No shot.

Our lives are in the hands of a dummy.

What a despicable, worthless, putrid, piece of garbage Trump is.

Throw him out.

Monday, December 30, 2019


It is too bad that Donald J. Trump is protected by the same constitutional rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that he would like to deprive other Americans of being protected by.

This ignorant, corrupt, criminal president ought to be thrown in jail and not let out until he tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about all the lies and unlawful behavior he has been and continues to be engaged in.

The nerve of this disgraceful tub of guts to puke his bile in our faces and insist he is above the law and a victim of everyone who does not approve of him. 

He should not be in charge of our country. The cowards in his party who protect him for their unconscionable reasons should also lose their jobs.

Who the f..k does this beastly hunk of junk think he is? He continuously defrauds our nation as a fake commander and chief  who is supposed to protect us. 

This guy is protecting nothing except his sorry, guilty ass?

Every train eventually stops. The Trump train will also stop. Self destructive fools can only stay lucky for so long. 
But, so long may be enough to throw us all in front of the bus.

Stand up brave Americans.  

Friday, December 27, 2019


Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things to do. I have been fortunate because in 71+years I have only had a handful of cavities and no serious dental problems.

I do believe in good dental hygiene and I had a very fine dentist in the Chicagoland area for many years who cleaned my teeth personally. Than, in 2018 I moved to Florida permanently and I  recently needed to find a new dentist locally.

I looked online and saw very good reviews and appealing pictures so I made an appointment at one of the four dental offices of Dr. Eli M. Friedman. I chose the one at 9825 W Sample Rd. in Coral Springs, Florida. 

First I spoke on the phone with friendly office manager Tiara Ortiz explaining that I was not the normal patient. I said that I did not want x-rays taken and I did not want my teeth cleaned with the electronic cavitron tool, but by hand because my teeth are very sensitive. Actually, I am a big chicken.

She said both were part of the $99.00 promotional offer but I could possibly sign a waiver and not take X-Rays and she would see a about the hygienist not using a cavitron.   

She said hang on a minute while she checked and than she said come on in and they would try to figure something out to suit my request. No promises.

I was naturally tense as I walked into the very nicely furnished, reception room with a big TV and comfortable chairs.  It is a very classy office which I soon got comfortable in.

I was greeted by very friendly and professional office manager Tiara Ortiz.

I filled out all the necessary papers and she  
soon escorted me to meet Dr. Leilani Lorenzo D.M.D who was very friendly and comforting as she painlessly and thoroughly  examined my old teeth and gums to see what kind of condition they are in. 

She was so gentle yet totally efficient and I was impressed at her  obvious skill and knowledge as she explained and showed me my mouth better than anyone ever had.

She recommended  X-rays to find hidden decay or other problems in my less than perfect choppers even though she already knew I had signed a waiver rejecting them. 

I said no and she said she was required to advise me to have them. 
They also were part of the inexpensive $99.00 cost.  

She agreed that I had a decent enough mouth that, although far from perfect, she reluctantly let me escape the x-rays. Fortunately, she found no major immediate problems or I think she would not have let me go despite the waiver.  

 Than, I was greeted by super duper Niurka Townes who turned out to be the best dental hygienist I ever had work on me. She was so irresistibly friendly, professional, and smart. 

She also asked why I did not want X-Rays and gave me a few reasons why I should have them. I said no again and she smiled and said ok but I should think about them for the future.  

She also nicely asked why I did not want a cavitron used. I said one was used way back and my teeth were sensitive for several days. So, I said no thank you.
That was it. 

She put no more pressure on me even though we both knew it would be a pain in the ass for her doing the old fashioned manual teeth cleaning process that she did know very well.

 She went to work. 

She was fabulous. She has a methodical, painless style that was totally pleasant and thorough. She also explained several things I never knew about properly brushing and flossing as she worked. It was fun being in her chair as we also spoke of many things. It was a great experience.  

The time passed quickly as the soft music played and before I knew it she was done. 

It took about an hour and a half from start to finish in the office. I was also gifted with a bag with tooth cleaning items upon leaving. 

It was a wonderful experience. I booked another appointment for three months forward because I did agree that more frequent cleanings would be beneficial.

Dr. Eli M. Friedman who is a PROSTHODONTIST, is the man behind this 4 office dental practice. Their email is info@friedmandentalgroup.com 
The other offices are located in Tamarac, Palm Beach, and Plantation, Florida. 

He specializes in Reconstructive, Implants, and Cosmetic Dentistry.
I am so pleased I could express my appreciation to a really good dental practice.

I am a very happy customer who likes professionalism wherever I find it so I did this story because I thought it was a good way to show my gratitude for a job well done.
I'll be back.



Hi all of members of LinkedIn. 

I have a FREE opportunity for you. 
Check out my funky, opinionated, colorful, well read blog. 
See if you like it.

Send me items such as public service announcements, charitable event details, fund raising stuff, and any information about good causes you want to promote and publicize. 
No promises on what I will run. 

Email in worthwhile news about opportunities to support good causes. Email items about good people and companies who are making a positive difference in this country and world. 

I want to publish good things that good people and organizations are doing.

It's my blog so I'll choose what I would like to publish. Or, not publish. My blog is right for some and not for others. You decide. Feel free to submit any comments.

Go to my blog which is a Google blog kingdavidsplace.blogspot.com

Email only clean and clear text to tshirtdave69@gmail.com 

No questions or queries accepted. Just the facts !! 
I will figure out the rest

25 word limit on chosen FREE items that will run for 25 consecutive days.

No special requests for positioning, scheduling, headlines, artwork. or special editing will be accepted. 

Just email clean, clear information and I will try to figure out what, if anything, to do with it. No promises to anyone about what will be published.

Just make a judgement about what you think would be beneficial to my readers. Then, watch the blog. 

This offer is all about service to humanity that deserves publicity.

It represents a good opportunity to enable those who want to promote good causes and do good things. 

Have a healthy, happy, prosperous, better New Year.

David Stein

Saturday, December 21, 2019


What words can describe the total piece of garbage Donald Trump is? Really, it does not matter because about half the country does not care. He can do anything he wants and not lose their support. 

The other half of the country thinks the same way that I do. That Trump is just about every horrible thing a supposedly normal human being can be.

The above represents the current status of our screwed up nation. It is totally divided because of Donald. 

 It's Trump, Trump, Trump. Every day. He represents good versus evil. Either you despise Trump or you love him. 

Trumpers will never concede an inch against Trump no matter how indisputable the evidence is.  Many think he is the messiah. 

Or, he is Dr. Evil unleashed and many of us will not rest until he is no longer the president.

What if all the Trump defenders were subjected to Trump's illogical words when buying a car, going to the Dr., or discussing what brand of toilet paper to buy? 

Can you imagine? We would have to start the country all over again. People could not communicate. 

If all logic and reason is thrown away what do we have left?
Trump nation, that's it. Adios America.

 Are previously well educated, logical and intelligent women and men from all over the country lost in a brainwashed state? 

Or, are many people just plain cowards who want to keep their jobs and power and are willing to do anything to enable that moron to stay in office?

People who have spent their lives dedicated to the processes of logic, and reason feel that they have been sent on a spaceship to the twilight zone on Trumps private rocket of chaos. 

Facts no longer matter. 
It seems that common sense has disappeared in half of us. Two and two is five because Trump says it is and his minions stand fast never conceding an inch to any truth Trump does not bless. 

My prediction is that all of Trumps appeals now in the Supreme Court will go his way and he walks away untouched. 

I also predict Trump will lose the 2020 election in a landslide because no one can fool all the people all the time. 
Americans are smart and sensible and find their way. Eventually.

Maybe, a surprising new door will open because as the old saying goes people make plans and the person above us laughs. 

Maybe Trump will self destruct. There is a good shot of that happening. He is an addictive mess. 

He has to be patient now and I doubt he can do that. He is too much of a spoiled brat begging for attention.

 Go fuck yourself Donald you ignorant fake president.