Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tell The Whole Truth President Obama

Transparency. That was a big word when Barack Obama was trying to get us to vote for him. I wonder what his transparency record has been since we voted him into office.?

Now we are told that the last part of the 9-11 report has not been released. We are also told that there is no issue of national security involved. So? What is the problem?
Families of the victims along with the rest of us are entitled to know the whole truth about 9-11.

The Saudis are supposedly incriminated in the report for financing the 9-11 attacks. It might be bad for business with them if there is outrage among American citizens. We don't know.

Tell us the whole truth Obama. You might like the feeling.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Beginning Blogger Gets Professional Help

I asked for help in building traffic for my blog. I was imediately contacted by #James A. Holloway, #Matt Banner, and #Laura Powell Corbett who all have blogging expertise. They found me on #Google +.

Thank you all. Please keep the support coming.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Window Coverings

Do you want to know about window coverings? Check this out.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Old Dicks Can Learn New Tricks.

Becoming a better lover is essential for many older men. For whatever reason  many times it becomes important for men to learn or improve lovemaking skills. Here are some simple tips to becoming a better lover.

1-Do not be defensive or sensitive about your desire to become a better lover.. Maybe you never felt like you  had to focus on your lovemaking skills. Maybe you decided that you want to be a better lover..Thousands of men decide they want to improve their sexual skills everyday..

2- If your erection is less powerful then you want it to be get a prescription for an erectile dysfunction drug. In case you have been living in another world.erectile dysfunction is when your powerful new appearance.. Remember, you will go nowhere with women without a solid erection. It is the key to sexual success One thing is for sure. Erectile dysfunction drugs are miracle drugs. Just ask me..Your penis has to be good to go. It may need some help now..Get it. You can use ED pills without ever telling anyone. You may be a better lover then you ever dreamed.

 3-Start realizing that you have it in you to be a great lover. Maybe you never thought very much about your sexual abilities. Lovemaking must be understood and practiced. Touching correctly is essential. You can perform miracles manually on your partner with your hands . Remember, it is all about pleasuring your lady and making her have orgasms. Then, you will be the man in her mind and your mind.. I know,your happiness is important too. But, let's deal with her first. you will get yours.

 4- Get comfortable in your lovemaking. Practice communication. Honestly and sincerely ask for her comments and suggestions about whether what you are doing is pleasing her and how you can improve your methods. When you are touching her body, especially her pussy or vagina, remember to ask  if you should go "faster, slower, higher or lower". Those words will let you know when she is pleased with your stroke and when she is about to have an orgasm,  If you get your hands working right on her like you do on your hammer or putter you will get unlimited appreciation for your efforts.

 5- Consider investing money on sex counseling. Sex therapists are not all a bunch of perverts. They are really effective in teaching people how to get joy from sex.

6-You don't know what you are missing if you have never made amazing love. Try it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

This Blog Sucks

This blog sucks. I can't even get comments when I offer to give away money for comments. How in the world does anyone get a good blog going?

I have tons of really interesting articles posted. Unfortunately, I have only made about 12 cents in 2 years with over 120 posts. Everyone  keeps telling me "content, content, content."  OK.                                  Here is more content all of you geniuses. Now what?

I am ready to quit blogging