
What a shitty day

Shit can happen at any time. When you are a 69 year old guy who is not in great health to begin with beware of potential failures in your major bodily systems especially the  gastrointestinal system (the bowels) when you do not have good control. I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS)  for a long time. That condition results in many episodes of stomach distress such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Well, disaster struck a few days ago. I was driving on a busy Chicago st. when I felt bad gas pains. I knew diarrhea was coming quickly so I started looking for any structure with a toilet. I did not care where parked. I was ready to stop in the middle of the street. It was that bad. I spotted a building with a parking lot and pulled in. My load was about to explode as I opened the car door and bolted for the entrance of wherever I was.  I got about two steps and I knew I was a goner. The diarrhea exploded into my underwear soaking through my jeans. My stoma...


Being born was the first mistake. Somewheres around 1947 daddy had sex with mommy maybe for the last time. Even though she was 47 years old it did not matter. She got pregnant anyway.with me.  That was 70 years ago and life has been a disaster ever since I crawled out of the womb. Dad died suddenly when I was twelve years old and mom already had two grown sons ages twenty four and twenty five. They had moved out of the house and gotten married. Dad had made lots of money by being very smart in real estate investments and in several retail businesses he owned. He left plenty of money for mom and so she would  never have to work or worry about surviving. My two older brothers, my mom, and myself were all left percentages of his estate, my mom and I splitting a third and the brothers each getting a third. My assets went into a trust fund frozen until I was 21. My age to get the trust assets should have been 62 and I would not be broke now. The successful family businesses dad...


Back in 1947 my Mom and Dad had sex. I was the result and now I sit in my a little apartment almost 70 years later barely surviving. What a remarkable unforced error that act of love created. I have had a life filled with  many wonderful benefits that most can only dream of. Yet, I have screwed it all up. I was born into a family where there were already two older brothers twelve and thirteen years my seniors. Then, when I was only twelve daddy suddenly dropped dead leaving my two older brothers in charge of a very profitable family business which they already had been working in. My mom, myself, and the two brothers all were willed equal parts of the business with my end being entrusted to my mom till I was twenty five.. I was not a normal kid at all. I hated school and was always in trouble. I was not a bad boy just a clown and a spoiled brat. I did not care about school unlike my group of upper middle class friends who mostly went on to become lawyers and doctors. I contin...


 I felt undeniable animal  attraction as I was cruising my favorite internet dating sight a while ago and then the ultimate sexual fantasy happened. I saw this picture of a gorgeous, seductive looking, tall red-head with big tits, long legs, and super sex appeal. . She was jumping through the screen beseeching me to go after her. She described herself in her profile as being all about fun and gratification and wanting a magical man who could enjoy blissful pleasure with her. Well, I am a 45 year old inveterate addict attracted to any kind of action be it women, food, alcohol, drugs, and especially sex. The adrenaline rush is what I live for. So, I immediately contacted her via email, she was interested and we exchanged phone numbers and the craziness began. One thing you don’t do on an internet dating site is get into any intimate conversations let alone hot sexual phone talk when the person on the other end might be undesirable and someone you  that you will want t...

Is Putin Dumb Donald Trump's Boss?

Rex Tillerson, in a conversation with reporters after he was fired by Trump from his position as Sec.of State on Twitter said he "really hopes Trump finds out also on Twitter that he is being impeached." Rex also said "I mean, I see it playing out with Oprah Winfrey or someone else when he is up at 3 am "starting a new feud with someone when he finds out."  "My only regret" concluded Tillerson is that "I won't be there." Trump undercut Tillerson, who was battling furiously for a diplomatic solution in North Korea with Kim Jong-ung, the North Korean leader. Trump said that Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to deal diplomatically with the North Korean leader. Meanwhile, Dumb Donald agreed to a face to face meeting with Kim Jong-ung without consultation from advisers. He impulsively agreed to meet with Kim as if he was making an appointment with a banker he was in hock to. He made the meeting like a dope not a Presiden...
I think Best Buy in Lincoln Park is the most efficient Best Buy for customer service. See Kimberly while she is still here for great Geek Squad service. Love her.

Rotten Politicians And The NRA

Have faith in these activist young people all you lame adults.. We elderly refused to stand up against the gutless, cowardly, putrid, ignorant, myopic, money grubbing politicians. These young people will stand up for us.  They are saying they have taken enough and we will not take anymore.. Their movement will get bigger and bigger because it is right.  It is all of our faults that maniacs have been allowed to shoot and kill  children in schools with assault rifles. We adults have only screamed and yelled when disaster happens and then sat back down passively. Kids are the ones who run the country in almost every arena.  Entertainment, technology, fashion, education, sports etc. It is their show. What they believe in is what goes. It is hard to get their attention but when they go into action they mean business. Then the country changes. That is about to happen again. Young people are at the inception of mobilizing against those killer assault rifles and against th...