MDGA Make Donald Great Again

 Almost every other Republican is afraid of what Trump can do to them by destroying them and their jobs,.  The Cowardly Republican party. Not even respectable.

Trump is a gutless, spineless, spoiled brat who thinks he can beat Jack Smith, the chief DOJ prosecutor , if he cries foul loud enough. 

Trump does not care what kind of pain  he inflicts on his supporters and the United States which he vowed to protect when he took the oath of office.

The presidency just made him and his money grubbing family and supporters more greedy each day.

Now he is in deep, stinky garbage . The DOJ has enough resources, talent, and manpower to bury Trump until he pleads guilty and has to go bankrupt and/or prison.

Trump may soon be sleeping in a bed in the big house and not the White House.

Where are all those billions Trump has been bragging about for so many years? 

Seems he is getting more and more desperate for tiny contributions from his supporters who did not realize he has been paying his legal bills with their hard earned money?

Really too bad to watch  Trump go up s.... creek with no paddle.

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