I'm a liberal 74 year old guy who has always believed in the goodness and righteousness of our democracy. I am quickly losing faith that this country can ever regain it's past position as the beacon of freedom, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

Each day I think President Joe Biden and other fair thinking, moral politicians  will see the light and reject the insane beliefs and behavior of all the fanatic anti-American groups pro-creating like rabbits for the purpose of bringing down our country.

This craziness in politics has to stop but it seems that it will not stop on its own. Everyday the hatred and division between what I will call brainwashed and normal people grows deeper, stronger. and more popular.                                    

America is a mess and us just standing by and hoping it will clean itself up is useless and illogical.

It's time to fight fire with fire. Trump and his loyalists are unquestionably the main cause of the deterioration of our society.

Former president Trump is the arsonist that accelerated the poisonous environment we must live in.


There is an answer to Trump and every fanatical, misdirected, and delusional problem he triggered. We must identify and fix the problems ruining our lives. 

Donald Trump must meet with attorney general Garland immediately. Garland should tell Trump that the illegal civil disobedience is over.

His destructive actions which have done untold damage to the United States are going to stop.

Trump should be notified that the constitutional protection that he insults and degrades no longer protects him. He has lost his rights.

He is a criminal breaking the law as are his puppets by their dangerous and unlawful behavior. 

He will be locked up if he does not cease and desist from fomenting any efforts to cause insurrection by his words or deeds.

The imminent danger he and his followers have put us under and continue to do so causing law abiding people to exist in chaos is unlawful. 

Trump is told to stand down in no uncertain terms or he and his minions will be held in contempt by the justice dept.  

That means he stops spreading the big lie about the 2020 election being stolen, that he stop terrifying the cowardly politicians who are afraid of him and him being told to stop immediately with any further illegal acts against the populace. Or else.

Trump is given  enough time to convince his flagrant followers to stop being law breakers in what they do or they will be be in violation of the provision of the constitution that guarantees life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Than, Biden names a bi-partisan committee to investigate the January 6, 2020 riot and make determinations of guilt and innocence and penalties are imposed to those responsible who are still loose.. . 

They will be held for breaking the law if they continue trying to cause civil disobedience.

Biden would issue an executive order and clean up the voting legislation recently passed which has made voting unfair and virtually impossible for minorities. 

Any biased and racially based new voting laws passed in the last year would be stricken.  A new and fair voting rights act would be voted on in Congress by fair minded politicians. 

Fair, honest, unbiased bi-partisan officials would run the proceedings after being chosen from the abundance of ethical and moral public servants available.

Both the Senate and the House will be organized with select members seated  after being approved by a bi-partisan committee approved by a bi-partisan committee headed Joe Biden and a group of impeccably honest, ethical, and fair minded Americans.  

Next would be mandatory inoculations of Coronavirus vaccine to  all people in the country who can offer no valid excuse for not being willing to take the vaccine. Biden and AG Garland would appoint a task force with power to find and have inoculations made to those to who will not volunteer. 

If the steps I am advocating sound extreme and impossible and totally unconstitutional I agree. Obviously, martial law would possibly have to be imposed. 

Martial law.

"Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws."

But, before you judge all of this to be lunacy lets consider many other acts of legal lunacy this country has indulged in.

To name a few the Vietnam War, the Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan where the Afghans lost a million soldiers fighting the Russians in our behalf through the C.I A. only to be totally abandoned by us later to now be destroyed by the Taliban.

Also, how about the American soldiers who had bounties on their heads from the Russians which we did nothing about, the American newspaperman Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi assassinated by the Saudis which we did nothing about, the beheading of American soldiers which we did nothing about, and the abundance of other drastic acts done to us or done by us over the years.

If we do not correct our problems by severe means than when is the right time?


  1. Excellent commentary on our devastating state of affairs in the U.S. But how realistic is your solution. The problem is difficult and your ideas are rational but not constitutional in their own right. You are right. Something or things must be done.


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