You may have seen ads on Fox sponsored by Mike Lindell, from Minnesota aka The Pillow Guy who is supposedly a reformed drug addict and now has become a very big businessman and supporter of Donald Trump. 

Lindell got lucky by jumping on Trumps bandwagon in 2016 and supporting Trump as a great president. He spoke for Trump a few times. Trump loves the creep.

Trump spoke about Lindell promoting a possible a cure for the Covid-19 virus with an untested, unscientifically proven plant extract called oleandrin. 

Anderson Cooper from CNN interviewed and ripped Lindell apart calling him a snake oil salesman for pushing a useless and possibly harmful virus treatment product which may give suffering people false hope. 

Trump endorsed it even though Lindell has a financial stake in it and will profit if it sells. Trump is once again using his office for improper purposes. He cannot use his power to promote commercial products. But, we know he does not care about what he does. 

 Lindell has paid a million dollars in false advertising fines in 45 states and has an F rating from the BBB. 

He is a piece of shit.

Fox news, being the whores they are, airs Lindell's Pillow commercials with no disclaimers. Fox is as bad as Trump. Murdoch should be sued for endangering American in his media operations. He is a whore.

In the Anderson Cooper interview yesterday Cooper tore Lindell apart because Lindell is just a cheap hustler with no medical or scientific background, expertise, or able to give supporting information about his snake oil oleandrin concoction. 

 Lindell even stunk as a con man who could answer no questions intelligently or defend this oleandrin bogus product. Ask his last wife about Lindell who married and divorced him immediately in 2013 because she could not stand him. 

Millions are sick and dying and Lindell and Trump are pitching junk to desperate people and Fox is taking Lindell's ads. It's sickening  watching these whores and pieces of garbage promote shit to a desperate nation.

Get rid of Donald Trump, and Mike Lindell 

I will never buy another product advertised on any Fox outlet.

Fox is evil.

Fox stinks. 


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