I wonder what Donald Trump is doing for fresh booty these days if anything? We all know he is a sexual superman. If he wanted a woman before he was elected President he got one fast. 

At least that used to be the case before he was confined to the watchful eye of the entire nation after getting involved in some very scandalous episodes. Paying strippers for sex and being exposed as somewhat of a predatory beast with many accusations of his unstoppable style of assaulting women created his reputation. 

Being President is terrific but it does have it's limitations. The President cannot just grab a woman by the p...y and make her into an instant lover. It seems a very tough task to be abstinent when you are the leader of the free world and unable to get it on at will. 

Read and research information about Presidents Bill Clinton or John Kennedy about sex in or out of the White House. Check out many other politicians whose careers disintegrated upon being discovered breaking their marital vows. Trump must be very uncomfortably careful. He does not like that.

 A President who was once a TV celebrity and world class playboy might be really frustrated at being unable to operate in the sexually free wheeling style of his past after he has been publicly burned several times and is forced to back off the booty.

Trump has the impulse control of a puppy dog jumping around salivating for Milk Bones being thrown all around with his tongue drooling. Or, the control of a Great Dane having Big Macs dropped at his feet. But, he is currently powerless to act on his obvious desires. 

Nonetheless, I never sell Donald Trump short when it comes to fulfilling his sexual pleasures. I believe he is the smartest guy around in matters of healthcare, foreign policy, immigration, gun control, science, medicine, awarding important positions in and out of the cabinet. I believe he is an unstoppable sexual predator who is probably still finding ways to get it on with females.

I also think Donald Trump can do just about anything he sets his mind to do so snagging some quick sex no matter how complicated the equation seems to be a very small task considering this mans selfish hunger.

So, how is this self proclaimed "genius" fulfilling his huge carnal appetite? Just look at his super gorgeous, sexy, steaming hot wife Melania. They hooked up long ago when Donald was just a New York player and apparently they had a voracious sexual frenzy for years. 

Than, Trump became POTUS. Suddenly, all eyes are on him and her everywhere they go and on everything they do. Neither can make a move without being under a microscope let alone sneak away for a day or night of sexual delight.

 Also, it appears that Melania no longer has the hots for the Donald she once had at least from the way she seems to not want to even hold his small hands let alone any other apparatus that is attached to his big, beautiful, bloated body filled with tons of delicious junk food 

So, what are you doing Donald to satisfy those famous urges you have always had for Herculean sex? How does a constrained Donald quell his gigantic appetite for the hot flesh of  ravenous, irresistible woman he continually comes across?

How does he get away from all those Secret Service agents, the reporters, and the cameras that follow every move he makes?
It must be hard?


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