A Sweet Older Gentleman

There is a little old man who lives in my high rise building in Chicago. He has lived in  the building for many years. He is always very friendly to everyone he passes as he wanders around the large premises seemingly with nowhere to go. 

He is always meticulously dressed in casual clothes. He is  constantly smiling at all the people he sees. He really seems to be at peace with the world. I used to see him walking around with his wife, holding hands and talking talking softly with her. It seemed they were treasuring each moment knowing they were not going to be forever. Then, I heard she died. That was about three years ago. Now, he a is all alone but obviously content.

I only saw one thing unusual in all my nine years of observing him. He was walking with someone who I think was his daughter. She was saying rather loudly."you have to go" and he was protesting firmly "I don't want to go anywhere". Then, I passed and heard no more. I do not even know the name of this sweet elder gentleman. But, I am so envious of him


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