Help For Hydrocephalus Sufferers

Going into the hospital on Wednesday July 19. The Dr.  will put a shunt in my head to funnel the water on my brain into the shunt and drain it harmlessly into my stomach. That will hopefully correct and relieve the weakness and inability to use my legs without a cane, and hopefully the shunt will restore my short term memory which is all but gone. This condition I have is called Hydrocephalus. Most people do not know about it because it only effects a very small segment of people.

There is a wonderful place called the Hydrocephalus Association at 4340 East West Highway  Suite 905 in Bethesda MD 20814.

They perform a great service with literature, videos, personal contacts, and recommendations..
There are no charges.  Just help.

The number is 301-202-3811 and the email is

Hope this help someone..


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