Blow Off Trump

                                                  It can't be Trump.

As much of a group of suckers American voters have proven themselves to be they do fhave common sense..  But, not at first. They take a lot of time realizing they are getting screwed but eventually they figure out what happened because of  their bad decisions.  But, only after the cat is out of the bag.. We seem to learn but only in retrospect.

So, over the years we have suffered from the big scams and have been victimized by the housing market crash, the sub prime loans banking and stocfk market crash,, the bogus investment banking firms, the folly of  approving the Iraq war, the horrible politicians we have elected like Bush and Cheney.

Think of all the violent criminals who are arrested and released over and over until finally they do something horrific and maybe get caught..They usuually have long rap sheets. They could be stopped earlier. But we don't care enough to act..

The fraudsters like Donald Trump, Bernie Madoff, and all the other con men and women  who get inside our pockets and heads stay there until they take all of our money. They  are not detected until it's too late.. Then, they usually are given free passage by us to do it again.. Also, although Americans have been victimized over and over throughout history they just keep on going for new scams and scammers. Like fish with their mouths open we bite again and again..

We would rather watch and read sensationalized stories that titillate us then investigate who and what we are doing when making choices..We become fixated on personalities, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.. That is why we love following Donald Trump. He fascinates us.
He represents acton and excitement just like O.J. Simpson once did.
Remember what fools the jury was composed of to find him innocent. Electing Trump would be just as stupid as the Simpson jury was..

We did not see or remember the potential disaster of the Vietnamese war, the onslaught of  Bin Laden, Issis, and on and on..We have destroyed ourselves in large part by not demanding facts and not making thoughtful choices..We could have had the courage to say no to the goverment and stopped so much damage from happening.
 But,we only figure out out disasters  after they have happened.  Many with our blessings. Mea culpas unlimited..

We Americans are not the brightest bulbs on the tree in protecting ourselves from harm. We even voted in prohibition because we were conned and it took years to repeal it..Who would vote to stop drinking if we thought about it? We got hustled.way back then and we keep getting hustled..

Once, just once, lets make the right move ahead of  time and not after the damage is done.

The biggest, scariest, most threatening problem for us, our kids, and our grandchildren is who to elect in the 2016 Presidential race. We cannot be wrong this time.The accurate, factual picture is painted right in front of us. Trump will lead us to hell. We have the correct information in which to make an intelligent judgment... Make it no Trump.

Trump stands there and gives full disclosure of his pathetic self. His ego makes him do it. Trump begs us to see him for the fraud he is. We do  not have to get hustled again. Let's be smart.

 You have in Trump a second rate, double talking, ignorant hustler who knows nothing about politics. He is no more then a carnival barker who has scammed too many people already. Now, he is trying to scam the whole country. People keep listening to him.. Like P.T Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute".. Trump knows that.

Trump has been fined for racial discrimination, and is involved in thousands of lawsuits  He is racist, is demeaning toward women and minorities and just a bad guy..He is totally bogus but we don't care. Millions of us support him anyway..

 He is too stupid to even shut his mouth to stay out of unnecessary trouble in this campaign. He won't even let  Hillary self destruct. Trump should be hustling watches on a street corner not running for office,.Instead, he just keeps on being stupid and shooting himself in the foot..

You have Hilliary Clinton, a clever liar, a diabolical politician but who is no Trump.
She has experience, intellect, patience and is not unfit to be President.
She is a professional, albeit flawed badly, but who at least she knows how to fly the plane.
She is good enough and the only choice we have this year..

 Are you going let Trump fly the plane?  Are you going to give him the power to destroy the world?
Elect Trump and Americans get what they deserve.

No Trump, please..


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