Good Looks Critical To Success On Online Dating Sites

Success on online dating services such as match and jdate is all about pictures. Just ask people who search for potential girlfriends and boyfriends. I know. My pictures stink so I have always had trouble getting responses. If my good looking, photogenic friends post on a dating site they get instant feedback.

Check it out. Send a message to a woman or man you are interested in. If they are good looking you are dead if you do not look good. Forget about your great profile information. It's all about your picture. Just like in high school. You are cool or you are not. The in crowd rules on the dating sites just like they rule just about everywhere else in social settings.

Prove it to yourself. If you are think you are not good looking do a test.. Send a message to a hot looking woman or man on a dating site. I don't care what their age is or yours.  It does not matter. After you get no response back check to if the person you aere intersted in viewed you. It's on the app to be able do that.  If the person viewed you odds are you were rejected because of your looks. Try it with 50 more people who are attractive. You will get mostly no responses or "no thanks yous".

Then, try sending  messages to some people who are not good looking. Bang. You will get  immediate responses.This applies to ages 21-80!!

So, waste your time on writing beautiful profile information if you want to.. It won't matter if you are not a stud. You will just keep getting rejected. You looks will beat you unless you get very lucky.

That is how it goes on online dating sites. Trust me. I am 66 and  have been at it for twenty years with hundreds of examples. It's easy for the good looking people to attract others just as it  always has been.

Its wickedly hard for those of us who are the ugly ducklings.

But, do not lose heart those of you who are not blessed with all American good looks. You can succeed. You will just have to try much harder. So what?

You are used to that!


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