Rich Incognito for Chicago Bears Coach

What are the Score's listener ratings since the Chicago Bears tragic loss to Green Bay on Sunday? I would like to know the answer. So, Score, with all your savage, vicious, taunting of coach Marc Trestman, Jay Cutler and the entire Bears organization wouldn't you rather the Bears kept losing so your ratings can stay high?. Every Bear loss is more advertising dollars in the pockets of the Score pigs.

 The two tomato cans who are the most full of shit are Doug Buffone. Yeah, you Dougie and you  O'Bradobitch. Isn't it nice to get your old nasty rocks off screaming and yelling in idiotic tantrums after each Bear loss. Meanwhile, you bust outs both have shit for brains in the business world, and you would have nothing at all to do if the Bears started winning. You need to be on the attack or who would. listen to a couple of broken down loudmouths?  

 I  heard only soft, non-confrontational questions being asked of Trestman at his news conference. He was not attacked nor was he interrupted when he spoke. That is because the taunting, bullying reporters are not so brave face to face. Back when Ditka was the coach all the news people and other Chicago media people were intimidated by DA Coach. They did not have the balls to ask hard questions to his face for fear Iron Mike would break their noses if they got him angry.

Remember folks. It is all about the money. The more the Bears keep losing  the more you fans scream in legitimate pain. And, the more money you are all worth to the Score and the newspapers. Your fury lines their pockets and everyone knows that fact except most of you Bear fans or should I say Bear suckers. You are being played by the reporters and the advertisers who support them.

I think Rich Incognito should be the Chicago Bears new head coach or put in some position where he must deal with reporters. How about director of PR?

The Bears would have to draft a hold harmless document and then turn him loose on the Chicago media bullies. I would love to see that.


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