My Stuck Sneeze

I just can't sneeze. It seems that it has been at least 11 weeks since I last successfully went aaahh-chooo. I am used to this problem since it has been happening off and on for about 10 years. But, I usually sneeze in 3,4,or 5 weeks. It has never gone on this long before I think 10 weeks without a sneeze was the old record which I have now shattered. If I was not so miserable it would be funny to me like it is to everyone else. I am in very good health. I have checked this out before with all the different Dr.s and they all say there is nothing wrong with me physically. They say it has to be psychological. They also say that not ever sneezing is meaningless. It will never matter or hurt anything else in my body if I sneeze or not. But, it is so frustrating. I thought this latest episode was finally over a few minutes ago when the urge to sneeze came and was intense. But, no. Just another aborted attempt occurred when the Choo was ready to release but would not explode. Don't tell me about black pepper, cold weather, pulling eyelashes q-tips, kleenex, or any other tricks to cause a sneeze. I could write a book about every sneezing trick. It is so aggravating to go day after day and become more obsessed with this stupid function not working. I think about sneezing continually. the urges come several times a day and I get high hopes only to become more depressed when I can't sneeze. Why me? Why not me since I am as neurotic as they come. I am a 65 year old guy with almost no other health problems. I hardly ever get sick or have any kind of sinus or nose problems. I feel fine everyday. This is purely a mental thing. It is not neurological or physically related to the brain. I know all that. I have OCD and that is probably the cause. Who cares? I want to sneeze. Understanding does not help when I am debilitated with a half sneeze and the other half just teases me relentlessly and stays stuck. It is misery.


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