A Great Date

It was another match.com date with a 65 year old man and a 62year old woman. Except this is the date that I did not want to ever end. It started innocently enough, after a few online misfires, with lunch at a Greek restaurant in Chicago. It ended several hours later with a connection that I am overwhelmed by. She is magnificent in her sensitivity, intellect and rare, unaffected beauty. We found that certain indefinable common ground quickly as we had a drink and ordered some food. After she spoke a few words I knew she was a rarity. A non-egocentric, kind, classy, intellectual strong and sensual woman of great experience and insight. Only she did not come off as anything but a very sweet lady who knew her way around. I looked at her and immediately was swept away. After lunch, which lasted a long time I blurted out "do you want to go play?" and she said "sure." My heart skipped a beat. Maybe she liked me? We walked around this big food market tourist attraction in the Northwestern train station after getting lost a few times. No one cared. We walked and walked around for hours and finally sat down for some coffee. We exchanged intimate affections and sat for a while still getting acquainted but with more touching and light kisses. Her lips were sensitive but she kissed mine softly and passionately and touched my face. It was heaven. Finally, we walked back toward the restaurant we met at which is located close to her apartment. I asked hopefully if we could just keep this date going by going to a movie or doing anything at all. She said that she was tired and had just taken a flu shot and that that would be all for now. The words came with a hint of more good things to come soon. It has been all I could do to keep myself from calling her tonight but I'm still a guy that lives by the old male code so I didn't. Besides, I thought that I did the best I could to show my captivation with her. Being a good man and sitting tight was the right move. Then, I thought of this essay as a healthy release. I will email it to her. What I felt being with her was the thing I have always held out for and why I decided never to settle for less in a woman then I wanted. I want the real deal, the whole enchilada and nothing less. The feeling that there isn't anyone in the whole world to be with but that special person is the only feeling to make me really happy and fulfilled. That's how I feel. I must be crazy writing this after one date but who cares. It's who I am.


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