Thursday, October 25, 2018


If you think you are going to find out how to build traffic for your blog for free you are naive or just plain dense like I am. I have had this blog forever and I cannot figure out how to make any real money from it.

Getting that enormous audience out there to click on a blog is the only way to be a successful blogger. So, it seems logical for a blogger to Google "ways to build a blog". 

But, when you research all the information you can find on traffic building by googling that term you realize you have been hustled.  All those "free" blog building ads again are just paid ads which are attempts to suck you into buying programs which supposedly will enable you to succeed in building your blog. Bullshit. 

So, then one might try to punch up some of the hugely successful blogs for tips. Usually, I cannot even log into the good blogs. It is too complicated a process

So, for your benefit I have provided the information below.
                                        GOOD LUCK.

I just punched up the highest earning blogs appearing on Google today Oct., 25, 2016.
                              TOP EARNING BLOGS
                      Tech Crunch         2,500,000
                       Mashable              2,000,000
                       Copy Blogger       1,000,000
                       Perez Hilton-            575,000
                       Gizmoso                   325,000
                       Smashing Magazine 250,000
                        Tuts                          175,000

Those numbers look great. Wow!! But, try and get to those earnings. Do not forget that all the money earned has to be made from Google which operates AdSense. 

That's the device that keeps track of  all the statistics of who is visiting your blog, if they are first time visitors or repeat visitors, which key words they are clicking on that is in your headlines etc.
AdSense controls what you earn on Googles Blogger.

You can see the money you are making by just clicking on the earnings link. Presto. You get to see the cash AdSense has on deposit waiting to pay you when you reach $100.00.

The reality is that you can write your head off using fresh material, promoting your blog on all the social networks, draw thousands of visitors and still not make squat. I know that personally. I have really written a hundreds of articles.  Check my blog.

I have been stuck at about $88.00 in earnings for about a year. I have tried everything I can to figure out how the successful bloggers do make money on Blogger or any other blogs. 

I am the rat in the maze that keeps running around hoping to find the food and failing over and over. 
I just cannot stop. I love to write.

Maybe it's because I am 70 years old, not computer savvy, cannot read the reports that Google sends me which are designed for computer literate people.

So. Fuck it. I'll just keep being that rat that runs and runs and runs around the maze being happy to get a little nibble of food once in a while.
Comments please.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Donald Trump. our temporary president seems to be giving up his power to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President. His knees were shaking in Helsinki when he could not even tell KGB killer Putin to stop meddling in our elections.Then, he refused to say anything negative about Putin even praising him in his treacherous leadership of Russia. Trump got his reward for being such a wonderful friend to Putin. He and the United States were bullied by Putin a few days ago.

Tough guy John Bolton was sent to Russia to talk to Putin and got neutered by Putin when  Putin humiliated our country by telling chickenshit Bolton that the United States was now a second rate power. Bolton just smiled and sucked up Bull Putin's smiling insults. 

Wasn't John Bolton supposed to be the ferocious fighter who would stand up to anyone? Not quite. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Unfortunately, the tree is cowardly Donald Trump who could teach anyone how to be afraid. 

Donald Trump who has now has added another coward, John Bolton, to his motley crew. 

Where is Anthony Scaramouch? We need some leaders with balls. Big mouths do not count. Step in mooch


This country is going to shit. That piece of human garbage, Donald J. Trump is not only screwing up the entire country regarding his mis-management and idiotic actions regarding his presidency. He has also been inciting people violence against opposing people since the primaries. Trump is a moron who does know what to do as a politician. He only knows how to be a punk. He is not very good at anything except causing trouble. 

We have big problems because of  dummy Don Trump. It is getting worse everyday he still is the president This goof thinks the press is the enemy. He feels so insecure and so inferior he can only do dumber and dumber things with his actions and his rhetoric which instigate criminal behavior among his supporters.. 

Cowardly Republicans must stand up to Trump and stop him. Trump cried like a baby when Sarah Sanders, Mitch McConnell, Kellyanne Conway, and a few other Trump supporters were verbally harassed at some public places. Now, murderous bombs are being sent to Democratic supporters and officials. 

Someone is going to get killed if Trump does not tone down his rhetoric He may have to cancel speeches though. He has nothing to say that is intelligent.
Where is Rudy Giuliani?

Monday, October 22, 2018


Once again this blogging crap has me so frustrated. Every time I want to find blogs about Donald Trump I have to search Trump blogs on Google and .then I get sent to yet another blog and get stuck there with more steps to follow. Now, again I am back to just writing evergreen content on my own. pathetic blog because I cannot figure out how to build my blogs traffic except to keep on writing and writing while following no helpful steps.

Trump, that dumb ass bastard is thinking of robbing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to pay down our massive fiscal debt. That debt was created by the chintzy, irrelevant tax cuts that Trump made a big deal about. Those tax refunds came out to be crap for regular people like you and I. A thousand or two or three thousand bucks for regular Joes like us. Chump change.  But, billions and billions were given away to billionaires and their companies by corrupt Trump.

That money went into the rich peoples pockets instead of back into their employees paychecks. Mega rich people bought huge amounts of their own companies stock back to enable themselves to get even richer long after our piddling tax refunds were spent and forgotten. Now, trump lies and says he is coming up with immediate tax cuts for the middle class because he knows that idiots will believe him and vote for the candidates Trump needs to win Congressional seats in a few weeks. Trump is not even thinking about a middle class tax cut. He is just a liar lying to us again for votes. Like the wall or healthcare.

I really wanted to talk about that kiss ass whore Ted Cruz running for Senator in Texas. Trump made crap out of him and his wife when trump was running against him in the 2016 presidential election. Now, that piece of crap Donald Trump is plugging away for voters to vote for wonderful Ted Cruz , Trumps own Texas whore.

Do not do it Texans. Vote for Beto O'Rourke who is a good guy and a straight shooting, descent,guy. He does not like Trump or any of the inhumanity you see watching Trump stand by and do nothing about the horror happening in this world.

Donald trump is going down the drain because he is a bad man. Do not get pulled down with him.
Your voted really matters.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Click On My Scum Ball Trump Blog If You Despise Him

I just cannot seem to figure out my computer let alone learn SEO, keywords, traffic building techniques, attracting other bloggers, and all the rest.  But, my writing can carry me if you will just read it. 

I do have few hundred articles, stories and a ton of really good anti-trump satire both long and short.

Check me out and advise. Comments very welcome.
