Saturday, February 10, 2018

Dumb Donald Trump Drowning and John Kelly Is Not A Good Lifeguard

 John  Kelly, Chief of Staff, is just another Trump stooge. He is almost as bad as Trump is while trying to learn to  play politics. He may even be Trumps undoing. We can only hope..

Kelly, the babysitter-in -chief, is way out of his sandbox with his lies about the Parkland Florida massacre.. Also, the lies about Rob Porter's wife beatings. I am not comparing the two events other then illustrating Kelly's ineptness.  Kelly tried to defend and justify his lies when the press cornered him with questions.. He became angrier and angrier as the news people ate him up..He cannot handle pressure. That is why he also cannot handle Dumb Trump. So, John Kelly is also a bad babysitter.

However, Kelly is no coward. Trump is..

.He will collide with Trump because Trump will try to run over Kelly and proud John Kelly will punch back. He will end up  screwing Dumb Donald because he is not afraid of Dumb Donald Trump.. Everyone in that White House rats nest is suddenly crashing into the truth. Transparency is happening by default.

 Kelly  is just another sub-standard Trump employee. He was supposed to be the answer to getting the White House under control but now he is the problem. .

Trump should be getting a huge headache about now. With all the disasters going on in the White House Trump has to be frantically worrying about Bob Mueller coming for him with new charges like obstruction of justice. . Dumb Donald is started to get the beating he deserves. He is being pushed out into deeper and deeper water.

Dumb Donald Trump is starting to drown in his own piss..

David's Place: Dumb Donald Trump Destroying Our Country Every Day

David's Place: Dumb Donald Trump Destroying Our Country Every Day

Dumb Donald Trump Destroying Our Country Every Day

Dumb Donald Trump astounds me. I do not think he has any concept of how to think. He seems to have no ability to evaluate what will occur after he shoots his mouth off. He needs therapy, not votes..

How in the world were people stupid enough to elect this troubled child to be President of the USA?

Look at what a mess he continues to make of our country on a daily basis? Plus, he apparently put himself in Putins pocket by taking Russian money.

Dumb Donald Trump will likely be indicted when Mueller finally is ready to take him down.

I hope that happens very soon or we may not have a democracy left.

Dumb Donald is truly our biggest enemy. He has all our lives in danger. There are almost too many problems and offenses he has caused to keep track of.

Take him down Robert Mueller.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Blogging for beginners from Max Banner

I asked a blogging expert to give me some help on improving and understanding my blog. He helped me proving that anyone has a chance to learn how to blog because I am beyond a blogging dummy!!...

I'm an old school very computer illiterate and  horribly uneducated blogger who wants to ultimately become a good blogger.and build a big audience 
I also want to figure out how this whole blogging thing works and see if I can make money at it. I like blogging but not if nobody is reading my stuff.. .

As you can see I have posted plenty of articles with next to no feedback or traffic for my efforts..

 Matt Banner sent me this very useful and valuable analysis of my blog .I am already putting his easy to understand and pertinent information and tips to use..                 .

I asked him if I could publish his letter and he agreed.. 

 I hope this helps someone else out there..

If you have thoughts or information you wish to share please send them in and there is a good chance I will publish them..


Matt Banner
Feb 10, 2015

Hi David,

I took a quick look for you. And although I certainly did not scour every inch of your website, I do have a few thoughts for you that may help:

1) It appears your current strategy for revenue is Google AdSense. While some blogs still use these ads, they certainly do not generate much revenue - not as much as they once did. Most bloggers who want to monetize their blogging efforts focus on promoting affiliate offers, or building an audience that they can direct to an offer they are promoting later. (Review 'Content Marketing' on Google)

2) A few posts back, you made an offer to buy comments. Taking this kind of approach may come across a little desperate to some readers. I would avoid this.

3) Having a fast and reliable server to host your blog can make or break it. You’re using a free website in Blogspot which certainly has its benefits, but doesn't possess everything you need in order to grow your blog because it’s not hosted by YOU.

Check out this article here for more on whether to use a free website service like Blogspot or making a small investment in a self-hosted blog

You can also see how important your hosting company matters here:

4) What are your current strategies for promotion? It appears that many of your articles haven't seen much exposure on social media.

5) Is there a way to narrow down the focus of your topics a little bit?

These are just a few general observations. I of course don't know all the specifics of your current blogging strategy. I offer a number of guides at that you might find useful.

I certainly hope that helps.

- Matt

Make An Easy Buck $1.00 For Your Comments

Does anyone read this blog? I really do not know. I am old school and don't know how to use the widgets, gadgets, and SEO. that are so popular in building traffic. I realize that I publish all kinds of content in articles that all over the place but I don't. think anyone cares..

 I would be so inspired if I just saw a comment or two about anything I have written.Then I would gain focus and stop thinking I have no followers. You would make me happy.

So, I will make it worthwhile for you to submit a comment. I will pay $1.00 to the first 100 different people from the USA who respond to this blog with a comment that I publish.

 Paypal will be used to pay the $1.00 awards. I reserve the right to reject any comment for any reason.

It is Peanuts but so what?