
Showing posts from 2024


  First time I remember getting bullied I was standing in line at the entrance to my grammar school. I was 9 years old. A kid who was my size and in my grade asked me if I'd ever been kicked in the balls. I said " what are balls?" He launched his foot into my  scrotum and I fell down in pain. He, and a few other kids stood over me with a few asking if I was ok. I recovered and whined "yes, I'm ok" to everyone.  The bully stood there just grinning proudly. I asked him why he kicked me and he said that he felt like it and did I want to do anything about it? "No." I whimpered.  I was scared to death he would kick me again."Well" he said "you're a pussy". I muttered back" just leave me alone".  When I came home and told my much older brother Lloyd what had happened" he screamed "you better stand up to that kid  as soon as you see him or you'll be setting yourself up for getting bullied your whole life&quo

Hate Trump-Love Kamala

 It’s a miracle. I earned six cents in my blogger account. I posted a harsh line about Blogger in X and all of a sudden I made a few pennies here for the first time in several years. It was the same crap I write about all the time. Click again. More for you to smile to. again just for shits and giggles Here is another post. You can see all my good anti-Trump comments on David’s Place 1 on X. Read about what a piece of shit I think Donald Trump is. Also, I’m overjoyed that Kamala Harris made her entrance. What a relief.salvation.            Davids Place 1 on X.
 Google is useless to me.

Google Blogger Stinks

 This is the biggest piece of shit blog in history. It has not made a penny in years. I stopped adding new posts after several years of no earnings. Fuck you Google. You assholes never responded with information as to why this blog has not generated earnings. Do not blog on blogger anyone. Google blogger and it’s personnel stink.