I write because writing is in me. It does not matter whether my writing is done on a computer, a typewriter, or a sheet of paper. I just watched the story on CNN of Jackie Collins who wrote millions of bestselling books and wrote them all by hand. I don't know if I will ever decide that my own best writing comes out of the keys on my PC or from my hand. I have such bad handwriting that I feel hopeless that I can go very far scribbling illegibly away without cramping. Yet, my thoughts seem to be so much closer to my heart when writing by hand rather than pecking keys with two fingers. Suffice it to say I do not think I am a good writer compared to other successful writers I read. Then again, there is so much crap out there in all venues that I am always thinking that maybe I will catch fire somewhere down the line who likes my style.. I am retired, 74, male, and hopefully still have time to figure out a new vocation or profession.. Maybe some person out there will cglan...