

Will  anyone ever read this blog? Are you out there? You have hundreds of articles you can us for FREE. Fiction, non fiction, long and short stories, I can offer that after hundreds of hours I have spent. I have gotten so little in return.  If my writing sucks it sucks but tell me. Clickon my site please. Thx Use email


  Gus us rolled up to the curb of the first floor apartment at the dilapidated three story building located in Chicago's west side ghetto. He immediately saw the problem. Down the dimly lit pathway by the front door were two screaming African American males. One was a young gang   banger, maybe a Crypt, considering his dress and hair.      His body was coiled with a closed fist and he was ready to attack the guy who stood a few feet away. The older dude  was a broken down, skinny, and and had a long, wiry beard. He most likely was a junkie from his appearance.  He looked like no match for this raging bull.   He jumped out of his unmarked car and started running quickly towards the men as he screamed into his radio "4212 S. Troop. Officer needs assistance."   He felt this was going to get very violent. It did with the kid punching the old man square in the face knocking him down.   Gus barked at the men "police. s...